full art Cryptic Command *list*
Economics forum
Posted on June 1, 2015, 10:41 p.m. by seuvius
is it a good deal to pick up a promo Cryptic Command for $65? if so how much do you think itll increase over time,if at all?
Servo_Token says... #3
You can pick up 3 copies of it right now for $60 each on TCGPlayer, so there's that option if you're in desperate need of one.
And yes, it'll be awesome forever.
June 1, 2015 11:27 p.m.
You can get one at NM for $43 here in Europe.
I'd try finding a cheaper one on Ebay, or if you know someone in europe who can mail it to you...
Spootyone says... #2
I would imagine that regardless of the reprints of the regular Cryptic Command, the full-art will not be going down. Given the "pimp" value and rarity of it...well it seems to me it only potential to grow.
(Source: A guy who wishes he had one)
June 1, 2015 10:54 p.m.