Garruk Apex Hunter
Economics forum
Posted on Aug. 2, 2014, 5:09 p.m. by APPLE01DOJ
Where do you think the new Garruk will settle for standard season? He's about 20 bucks a pop now but seems to be dropping in price quickly. I need to pick up a foil one but am debating about a normal one right now that I need for a deck about to rotate.
Do u think he'll stay around 20$ or is he expected to drop a bit more? if so where do u see him settling?
APPLE01DOJ says... #3
okay, hoping to find it for 13, pulling the trigger at 15 though. Ur logic makes sense.
August 2, 2014 7:28 p.m.
jpgcoleman says... #4
Karn Liberated is some what of a good comparison in that Garruk and Karn are Both 7 CMC. They fill the same roll as a high costed card played as a 1 or 2 of in a control deck. Most of the time Karn was in print he went for around $10-$20. Garruk however has several things going against him. 1. having Black and green in his casting cost is going to severely limit his usefulness. 2. Karn's -3 is far better than Garruks 3. Karn had a +4 while Garruk has +1's.I am just not seeing Garruk as all that good in standard or beyond. I think it is a fairly safe bet he will be at $10 before to long. A lot of the Jund walkers decks that could run him are not or are only running 1.
August 6, 2014 6:06 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #5
Yea I'm putting him into this deck as a 1 of. -Rock-
Though, previous Garruk's token gen is all u need to win :)
zandl says... #2
a-hem Garruk, Apex Predator
It's tough to say at this point, along with all the other topics on "where do you think [card] will go after rotation?" topics. Until we see more than a single card from Khans, it's just impossible to know what will exactly happen.
However, trends seem to indicate that Standard has been slowing down for quite some time and midrange decks seem to be the clear winner. If Standard stays about the same or slows down a bit more, I'd expect to see Garruk used.
The problem he has, though, is that most decks will only use 1 or 2 of him (okay, 1) because of his high CMC. People aren't running out and buying playsets of them like they would with, say, a card like Boros Reckoner or Thragtusk . With people only buying 1 or 2 at a time, the price is just not going to go much higher.
In my opinion, I think his price will slowly fall as the release hype dies down and people realize that there are still times when he does very little to a board, even for 7 mana.
My guess? $15 for most of its Standard life, though I don't see it falling under $10 or rising above $20 (unless Standard gets really slow and Black/Green needs a huge Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker -esque finisher).
August 2, 2014 5:22 p.m.