Goblin Rabblemaster Post-Rotation
Economics forum
Posted on Aug. 19, 2015, 7:10 a.m. by JohnnyBaggins
Short question short: Goblin Rabblemaster Saw a steep decline from 7 Euros to 3 Euros over the last Month, what's to be expected? As far as I know he sees 0 play in any other format other than Standard (And EDH for Goblin Tribals)... soooo... what do we expect to happen here? Probably at around a Euro Post-Rotation?
hes a 4 of in some lands sideboard in legacy and very fringe modern play but i dont expect him to hold any real value
August 19, 2015 9:40 a.m.
Could Potentially see play in modern tribal gobbos. Fringe play. People are trying to brew it atm. Look at spikes in goblin chieftain and warren instigator.
buildingadeck says... #2
Something like that. He'll just be another Desecration Demon, essentially.
August 19, 2015 9:27 a.m.