Good investments?

Economics forum

Posted on Feb. 6, 2014, 2:26 a.m. by Nigeltastic

As they see play currently in eternal formats, would purchasing extra copies of Abrupt Decay and Deathrite Shaman be a good investment? How much do you think they will go up come rotation (granted that is in half a year, but still)?

jonhydude says... #2

Deathrite Shaman , will, I think, stay at the same price it is now because it has recently been banned in modern. Shocklands are always good investments, as they will always go up(to a certain point) until they are reprinted. If Spirit of the Labyrinth becomes a modern and/or legacy staple(I am not sure how likely, but draw hosing is good), it might be good to get a few copies of those.

February 6, 2014 2:33 a.m.

Nigeltastic says... #3

Cool, any thoughts on Abrupt Decay ?

February 6, 2014 2:38 a.m.

jonhydude says... #4

I don't play modern or legacy, so I can't really comment on abrupt decay(although I think it is played in modern). I just know DRS was a staple and then got banned.

February 6, 2014 2:40 a.m.

Archeden says... #5

DRS is amazing in Legacy and I'm running it successfully in Standard right now. Its value may go up, but it's most likely staying right around $12 USD and there's no way it's dropping below $10. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it were $25-40 in the next 3 years or so.

February 6, 2014 2:47 a.m.

scottemery says... #6

Archeden a newly printed rare will not reach $40 if it is not heavily played in Modern due to the abundances of the card around.

February 6, 2014 3:33 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #7

DRS has fallen to around $8 where I am. It's plummeted after the ban. I wouldn't count on it. Can't comment on abrupt decay.

If you really want to make a good investment then go for things that see a lot of play - fetchlands, Vindicate , Force of Will etc.

February 6, 2014 5:34 a.m.

gnarlicide says... #8

Abrupt Decay is a solid investment. It is used in modern, and I use it in legacy on occasion. Deathrite? That's iffy. If they drop more, buy them up, but not now.

Shocks, thoughtseize, voice of resurgence if you can, dorm I just to name a few good solid cards to dump you money in.

February 6, 2014 7:14 a.m.

8vomit says... #9

Shockslands, thoughtseizes. abrupt decay, all good things to grab before rotation. Even deathrite is probably still a fair investment.

February 6, 2014 7:58 a.m.

scottemery says... #10

Snapcaster Mage , Liliana of the Veil and Geist of Saint Traft are all solid investments that will only rise from now onwards.

February 6, 2014 8:09 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #11

For only $2 each I invested in Satyr Firedancer personally. All it takes is one person to break it and it will skyrocket.

DRS will drop while modern players are dumping their stock but he will eventually go up to ~$15 I'm thinking.

Dredgevine might have a resurgence soon to Abrupt Decay might see a rise due to that.

February 6, 2014 8:23 a.m.

gufymike says... #12

I agree with Ohthenoises DRS is right now suffering from a flood in the market and very few players buying him up. But he will go up in price, not up to 20$, but the 15-18$ range most likely. But he'll fall even farther in the coming months as standard players start to dump their stock come rotation time, so expect the rise over time.

As for Abrupt Decay , it's still premium removal, It depends though on what happens with modern in the next few tournaments. First we need to see the decks the meta is going to be populated with. Then see what is winning. I for one think b/w and mono-w tokens will be a thing. I also believe that Abrupt Decay will be premium removal for Bitterblossom , Honor the Pure and Intangible Virtue and any swords played in those decks by jund, pod, rock and junk. I do think dredge and dredgevine will try to make a comeback, but Scavenging Ooze will hurt them over time and they will decline quickly.

February 6, 2014 8:34 a.m.

gufymike says... #13

oh yeah, I also have to think 5 color zoo will use Abrupt Decay also.

February 6, 2014 8:42 a.m.

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