Good trade?
Economics forum
Posted on March 4, 2015, 7:52 p.m. by Minelia5
So, my question is if this worth it. Thoughts?
My: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
total: 36.45
His: Monastery Mentor 26.05 + Whisperwood Elemental 14.99
total: 41.04
Also, if I do this trade, I assume I should trade off the Whisperwood Elemental for some fetch lands if possible (not plural, obviously). What do you think? Thanks!
mils. Thanks for the response! I'm really just considering the longterm value of cards. To answer your question though, I currently have ugin in my sultai deck. I wouldn't know what to do with Whisperwood Elemental, so I would probably try to trade up with it. The Monastery Mentor would probably get used in my jeskai deck though. Really though, my question was if I would be kicking myself in the far future for this trade.
March 4, 2015 8:18 p.m.
If you're trying to speculate about future prices of Ugin and Monastery Mentor there are a few things you should consider.
If the Eldrazi ever make a comeback in an upcoming block then Ugin's price will soar. Since he's a colorless planeswalker, it's very likely he'll be used in the future.
I'm not too knowledgable about monk cards. But I bet you could also get some good use out of Monastery Mentor when Dragons of Tarkir is released. But as for its playability after this block is over, that I'm not sure of.
March 4, 2015 8:27 p.m.
Hmm. I'm gonna have trouble with this. ): Another problem I'm having is I'm kind of attached to ugin.
March 4, 2015 8:32 p.m.
One more risk you need to consider is whether or not they print new Ugin cards, or release a duel deck featuring Ugin. That would likely cause the price to fall.
March 4, 2015 8:34 p.m.
Yeah, I drew Ugin in a booster draft and I'm considering whether or not to sell. I think I'm going to wait a little bit and see if his price rises. I think Wizards has an Eldrazi comeback in the works.
But even if that doesn't happen. Ugin is a badass planeswalker so I don't mind getting to hold onto him for a little longer.
mils says... #2
In my opinion it's worth it just because the cards you're getting are worth more in total. But you really need to think about what your own needs are. Will you use Monastery Mentor in a deck? Would you have used Ugin had you not traded him?
March 4, 2015 8:09 p.m.