Help with a trade!!

Economics forum

Posted on Aug. 21, 2016, 2:09 p.m. by DonaldFuck

I wanna trade some cards for a single piece of Liliana, Heretical Healer. the other guy wants me to give him two bloodsoaked champions, 3 xathrid necromancers, two blood artists,1 shivan reef,1 skullclamp and an Ayli.Should i wait after rotation for Lili to drop in price? Is this trade fair for me?

CallMeCrazySam says... #2

Current pricing wise, it is about even with him making out with like 40 cents TCG Mid. But two things to consider:

Liliana should drop in price after rotation, so if you do not need her for standard, her price will drop and you can get her for less.

The person trading it away is mostly taking bulk from you, basically cards that if you are not going to use, you will be holding onto for a very long time if not forever.

If I was you, and I had no use for the cards you were trading, I'd do that. Then if you are unhappy with rotating value, try and trade the Lili for something else and pick up another after rotation.

August 21, 2016 2:33 p.m.

DonaldFuck says... #3

Hello, thanks for the reply. i am a casual player playing mostly kitchen table magic, and i love aristocrats. i like to make different decks with this strategy. one of them is human aristocrats with xathrid/ bloodsoaked/artist and i must admit that i love these cards.I will regret it if give those away so i think i will wait for a month or so, for lili to drop and then buy one or two.

August 21, 2016 3:22 p.m.

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