Hour of Devastation - 1st Booster Box Opened - value total around $245 UPDATED

Economics forum

Posted on July 21, 2017, 1:12 a.m. by BigBigTrek

This past Wednesday at my local card shop, I opened a HOU booster box with rares & mythics value total around $245. I pulled a Thoughtseize. Also, one of the packs had a card flipped backwards showing the back.

(You can right click to open image in new tab to see it bigger)enter image description here

enter image description here

myronrocks says... #2

Cool. Hey out of curiousity, do you make spreadsheets for boxes frequently? Entire collection? What do you end up doing with the data? Update prices over time? Kinda thinking about taking on the task of organizing my cards to make it less of a pile and more of an inventory.

July 21, 2017 1:22 a.m.

BigBigTrek says... #3

It's an export from Deck Builder software I use to do inventory. Sometimes I make a special collection of a box to see the value when it's really good.

July 21, 2017 3:48 a.m. Edited.

vishnarg says... #4

And here I am pulling a box where the only two mythics were Samut and Uncage the Menagerie

July 21, 2017 7:04 a.m.

insertcleverid says... #5

I track my whole collection with echomtg.com. I'm a fan

July 21, 2017 8:59 a.m.

myronrocks says... #6

Nice. Thanks.

July 21, 2017 10:54 a.m.

phc says... #7

BigBigTrek when I cracked a case of Amonkhet there were one or two boosters that had cards flipped around. I do not remember if they had anything amazing in them.

July 22, 2017 2:51 p.m.

BigBigTrek says... #8


July 23, 2017 10:40 a.m.

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