How much can I ask for these?

Economics forum

Posted on June 8, 2017, 7:08 a.m. by WizardOfTheNorthernCoast

Hello everyone,

So yesterday I sorted out all my near mint crappy cards (mostly commons & uncommons from drafts). I must have something around 2,5K cards and most of them are from the latest blocks starting with Khans of Tarkir.

I would like to put those on ebay but I can't quite tell how much money to ask. I don't want to rip off people but I don't want to put a price that's too low either, given that I'll put time and effort in sorting them out by color and cmc.

I was thinking of creating an excel to recap all of these and compare their prices with magiccardmarket so I could have a good estimation of the price, but that would take me thousands of hours.

What do you guys think is the best way to proceed? List them all and put a slightly lower price? Create 'packs' with X Basics, X commons, X uncos, X rares and X mythic? Sell them 'on demand'?

Thanks for your input! :)

GeminiSpartanX says... #2

Many people sell 'repacks' for $1 per pack. You could just put some bulk rares along with 3 uncommons and a bunch of commons together in a pack and sell them that way. Since you'll need to ship in a padded envelope with tracking most likely, you'll charge $2.50 to $3 for shipping for any number of packs. I'd make sure you have the capability of making at least 40-50 packs, and throw in at least a few full-dollar rares or uncommons as well as a lottery rare (something that's a few dollars) so people get their money's worth in a few packs.

June 8, 2017 7:18 a.m.

clayperce says... #3

I looked into this a little while ago, and frankly decided it just wasn't worth the hassle, so ended up donating them all to a local homeless shelter. They were overjoyed, and actually didn't want any rares, because they just cause issues.

If I hadn't gone that route though, I would have bulked out the Uncommons. Here's a couple articles from MTGprice and MTGgoldfish with more info:

June 8, 2017 7:57 a.m. Edited.

Epochalyptik says... #4

Some stores will buy bulk commons and uncommons for a few dollars per thousand.

In reality, bulk C & U are worth very little. You can put a lot of effort into repacking and selling your collection piecemeal, but you'll find it much easier to donate it or bulk it out.

June 8, 2017 10:06 a.m.

Yeh the repacks idea is nice but it'll take me lots of time to do this properly. I could check at my LGS if they would buy crappy cards.

I've been thinking about donating them for a long time actually, but I'm in Belgium and Magic is barely a thing so I don't really know who might be interested in getting those. I think that schools could be a good place to start since it can teach youngsters English + give them a more critical/strategic way of thinking.

I think people interested in cubes and pauper could be an audience, right? I don't know much about those formats but I remember giving away my (un)commons to people at my LGS after the drafts... So I don't know.

I'll check your links though clayperce, thank you for sharing!

June 8, 2017 11:41 a.m.

TMBRLZ says... #6

SCG Buylist is a really good benchmark and its what my LGS uses.

$4 per 1k nm/sp bulk common/uncommon.

Just make sure you're pulling out things that are potentially worth money. There a few c/u here and there that have some higher value (albeit not much - unless you're looking at a Fatal Push). Monastery Swiftspear and Stubborn Denial hold some value if we're talking about KTK.

I've been pricing out my entire collection myself to sell back to my shop so I've been staring at SCG buylist a lot. Just added 7k bulk c/u last night.

June 8, 2017 6:57 p.m.

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