How much should I expect when selling?

Economics forum

Posted on May 3, 2016, 11:42 p.m. by chaoswalker

I sorted my whole collection and found some high value cards I'm willing to part with like Scapeshift and Thopter Foundry. If I were to take these cards to a game store that buys cards, what are good prices to expect? For example, scapeshift is listed as having an average price of about $45. When I sell it should I expect about $45, or should I expect less since the seller will be selling it for that much? What is reasonable? $35? $25?

Randomdeath says... #2

most places will buy at 50%(at best) down to 30-35%

May 3, 2016 11:46 p.m.

SpringingTiger says... #3

Selling a card to a game store will rarely net you the TCGplayer mid price. In my experience, for near mint cards worth at least $20, you'll probably get about 70% of what the store is selling the card for, give or take a little bit. For cards in the $5 to $20 range, 50% is probably more realistic. How many copies the store currently has in stock may also effect buy prices.

May 3, 2016 11:54 p.m.

SpringingTiger says... #4

Also note that if your cards show signs of wear (scuffed corners, etc.), that will also effect buy prices.

May 3, 2016 11:55 p.m.

ZeGinger says... #5

Easier to trade em for other stuff tbh. Unless you got a massive collection that you wanna offload quickly then hold on to it all.

May 4, 2016 12:44 a.m.

addaff says... #6

You sell it to the store you are looking at 30-45% of tcg mid. If you try to sell it privately, you have to compete with tcg actual price (the lowest price that someone can buy that card off of tcg). Even then expect to give 5-10% off that price. So you should be able to sell the scapeshift @ $35

May 4, 2016 1:51 a.m.

iBleedPunk says... #7

I'll trade you for a single straw penny

May 4, 2016 1:57 a.m.

TMBRLZ says... #8

Enter the LGS Employee -

I don't know about your area but my store and our competitor in the area use the StarCity Buylist as our reference for buying our cards.

If you hand me a M/NM Scapeshift right now and we don't have a bunch in stock already I'm going to offer you $25.00 cash or store credit for it. Under the same conditions I'd offer you $3.00 for a Thopter Foundry.

SCG is generally the standard for most LGS's as it is a source for reliable and straightforward pricing. TCGPlayer is the trader's resource because it offers a bit fairer pricing. Don't try and argue with a store about a card's price on TCG. It's basically Ebay for TCGs.

However it all depends on your LGS (Local Game Store) and how they run things.

Also expect to have your value reduced based on their stock. If we already have 20 Thopter Foundry I'm probably going to only offer you $1 at most. Maybe 0.50 even.

Stores gotta make money. Walk in and pretend you're on Pawn Stars, because that's what it is going to feel like.

May 4, 2016 11:24 a.m.

magic_monicle says... #9

I hope your LGS doesn't use star city as a pricing tool to sell its OWN cards. I can understand the buy list but if I go to an LGS and they are using star city as a pricing method I won't buy any singles from them. Why would I when I can go to tcg and get them with a click of a mouse? Now I love to support local business so I will buy sleeves and such but I'm not about to pay SCG prices lol

May 4, 2016 6:22 p.m.

00xtremeninja says... #10

Put em up on Ebay, starting price of 0.99 and let a little bit of faith, luck, and the buyers determine how much you get. Price too high, and it will sit forever. I have had the fun of selling singles on Ebay for a few years now (really only the items $5 and up that I pull from boosters and boxes that I don't need) and I found I have better results when setting the auction price to under a buck and letting the bidders fight each other.

Sometimes it blows up in your face, but other times it works wonders. But also be wise to whats happening. I listed a Thought-Knot Seer and most people have a buy it now for $7.99. THAT DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE ALL SELLING FOR THAT MUCH! Auction ended, guy paid $4.50 shipped. But I have found for getting as much cash as possible, Ebay has been my best friend.

May 5, 2016 11:41 a.m.

TMBRLZ says... #11


No sane LGS is going to sell at direct SCG prices.

We take SCG prices, reduce down to the nearest quarter dollar, and then based on the overall value of the card, take an additional amount off the card.

Our LGS is literally (I promise I'm not being bias, but factual) the cheapest place to acquire MtG cards in the area. Packs sold at $3.50 a pack and boxes sold at $110. Not to mention we typically are losing money on most of our nightly tournaments for what we give out in prizes.

We've been around for quite a few years now. Our only product is MtG and sports cards/memorabilia. We aren't just a hobby shop. We know what we're doing. ;)

But I can understand where you misunderstood. Thanks for questioning.

May 5, 2016 12:15 p.m.

Youll get the most off ebay

May 8, 2016 11:24 a.m.

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