Economics forum
Posted on Feb. 11, 2016, 4:28 p.m. by seuvius
So with the modern meta shifting towards bigger eldrazi decks it looks like inquisition is only getting worse. I have a playset that i dont necessarily need,Do you think this will affect the price at all or do you think it is safe?
The reason I ask is because I have a playset that I'm not doing anything with and I could trade them all off for around $100 worth of trade. I bought them at like $6 a piece so its definitely some major profit but I'm iffy on getting rid of them.
February 11, 2016 4:58 p.m.
I would hold on to them for the following reasons:
1) They are a modern staple. They have been for a very long time, and I don't think that any strategy that use to run them wont want them anymore in their 75. The numbers being played and whether they are main or side will shift with the meta, but they will always have a place.
2) Bans. Unless players can create a deck that preys on the new Eldrazi Menace, Eye of Ugin will be getting a swift smack with a banhammer. If that happens, the meta will shift again and I think GB/x decks will be on the forefront of power. However, with Splinter Twin being banned, there will be a lot more 4+ drops running around that didn't used to be. But even still, most other modern staples get hit by Inquisition of Kozilek and it will always be solid.
3) Even if the price dropped, I would personally want to keep a playset. I like to brew and build decks, and that is a card that fits VERY nicely into a lot of decks. As a result, I would want to keep at least one playset.
Either way though, Getting $100 trade for cards you spent $24 to get does feel pretty sweet. And if you dont plan to use them ever, then getting them into the hands of someone who will while getting you cards you need for yourself is what the spirit of trading is all about. If you trade them, don't look back and wish you held on, and if you hold them, don't look back and wish you traded.
February 11, 2016 5:09 p.m.
That was an amazing answer! Lol I will probably hold onto them as I have a feeling I will need them at some point. The funny thing is they are actually from my eldrazi deck that I decided to scrap because I know something is going to be done to neuter the deck,eye of ugin is just too strong for modern. For those reasons I will hold onto them unless I ABSOLUTELY need the value.
February 11, 2016 5:14 p.m.
Serendipitous_Hummingbird says... #6
Even with eldrazi running rampant, Inquisition of Kozilek still hits something like 90% of the most played cards in modern.
Just board them out, or use it to snag an early Eldrazi Mimic
February 11, 2016 6:12 p.m.
vampirelazarus says... #7
Also, even if it wiffs, it can get you information as well.
As a junk player, I say keep.
February 11, 2016 6:30 p.m.
I agree with the collective. At this time, they aren't as powerful, but who knows in 6 months? If you sell them now, are you able to re-purchase them at $20+ in 6 months? Keeping them won't harm you at all, and as someone mentioned, you can just board them out in favor of better cards in a match up.
February 11, 2016 6:50 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #9
Don't forget that unless they appear in Modern masters 2017, they won't get reprinted any time soon due to their name.
GearNoir says... #2
If TCG is any indication, it appears to be very slowly decreasing, but it is no where near any record lows. The card is still a fantastic one drop that cans disrupt strategy and ramp from the get-go. I don't see it going down too far.
February 11, 2016 4:53 p.m.