Is buying a box or a fat pack for BFZ a decent investment?
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 17, 2015, 10:01 p.m. by Arvail
On a scale from 1 to 10, based off of spoilers and speculation, how much money do you think there is in BFZ? How about a fat pack? Are you buying either of these products? Is pre-ordering advisable?
Exactly what EXCALIBRAHHHH said, buy some sealed product for this set and sit on it for a bit. I pre ordered a case when they announced the expeditions, just going to wait it out and probably (hopefully) make a solid profit.
September 17, 2015 10:14 p.m.
As of right now there is very little money in the standard cards of the set. Also none of those cards will be worth money in the future. Is that low price offset by the potentially insanely high price of expedition cards? Thats for you to decide I feel. The full art lands are nice but wooooo are they gonna be opeeeneeedd. So dont expect them to be more than or at a dollar for at least a year after release. Still I am getting a box and a fat pack the fat pack for lands for myself and the box for potential expeditions and I just need some of the cards anyway. Anyway good luck evaluating!
September 17, 2015 10:18 p.m.
Unless you pull an expedition card, you're probably not going to get a lot of value out of opening a box. Full art lands are awesome and all, but they're going to be opened so much, they're not going to be worth much. Original Zendikar full arts aren't even worth much, about $1-2 each and these new ones are preordering for like 50 cents right now. If you open an expedition, 10/10. Otherwise maybe 5 or 6/10?
If you want a lot of full art lands, a fat pack is a good buy.
September 17, 2015 10:30 p.m. Edited.
NoPantsParade says... #7
Now that prices are higher for pre orders (last I checked), I wouldn't say it's worth it. I pre ordered a box and fat pack for about a total of $125 for the giggles. I don't think it'd be worth it now, however.
September 17, 2015 10:40 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #8
You buy it and sit on it for like, 3-5 years, then sell it the box. Don't open them. Just buy and then re-sell.
September 19, 2015 5:46 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #9
This is going to be the most opened set ever just for the expeditions and basic lands. The only things in this set that will retain a high value are, of course, the expeditions because of their rarity. The market is going to be completely flooded with full art basics so they will NEVER be as valuable as the original Zendikar lands. Hell, we might even get full arts in Oath to reduce their value even more. There's so much hype around this set and I think it's silly.
To answer your question, buying sealed BFZ product might be an okay investment, but keep in mind that Magic is more popular than it ever has been and there is more product hoarded by "investors" now than there ever was in the original Zendikar block. What I think would be a better investment would be to simply buy expeditions as singles as well as foil basic lands and sit on those instead of sealed product.
Already preordered a fat pack and a booster box...full art lands will never drop in price and I think if you were willing to sit on a booster box for a year or two you will make a solid profit
September 17, 2015 10:07 p.m.