Is it worth it to trade Fetches for Shocks.

Economics forum

Posted on Feb. 6, 2015, 8:44 p.m. by kbarnhart

I have a few extra Flooded Strands and Polluted Deltas sitting around. I want to get into Modern but I currently have no Shock Lands.

I'm looking to collect a playset of each shock. But I was wondering if it is wise to try and trade my extra fetches for shocks? Which has more value and which will be harder to acquire down the road. What would you do? And do you think its reasonable to trade a single fetch for 2 shocks?

bigguy99 says... #2

In the very long run, fetches will be worth more. Modern isn't currently big enough to support long-term shock investment (the foils are always worth), but if you really want to get into the format and you have fetches that you won't use (it'd be wise to have the ones you need for the deck you want to build), then by all means trade them away. It's certainly cheaper than buying them, haha.

February 6, 2015 8:53 p.m.

If you plan on picking up fetches in addition to shocks, I'd say go for it. You have another year to get fetches at their relatively low price (although they may increase a little) while shocks have since rotated.

February 6, 2015 9:44 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #4

I'd pick up the shocks that you need, and then trade for the other shocks as needed. Fetches will be worth more in the long run, but it's better to trade than spend money. Always go for cards you will use instead of holding onto them in the hopes that you will make some money.

February 6, 2015 10:19 p.m.

WovenNebula says... #5

I personally made sure that I have a playset each fetch. Any extras I traded for modern staples that will hold value and that I would use, as well as, pairs of shocks as most competitive decks don't run full playsets of shock except the very few. Fetch lands will be worth more than shocks in the long run if you plan to flip at a later date. Their lowest point of price will be at rotation, maybe by a dollar or two then gradually go up.

February 6, 2015 11:18 p.m.

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