Is modern abzan going to make some cards rise?
Economics forum
Posted on Feb. 10, 2015, 8:22 a.m. by thegigibeast
Mainly looking at Siege Rhino, is it going to keep it's value because it sees modern play or will it drop after rotation? Should I keep them or trade them now?
Will Scavenging Ooze go up in value or stay around 6$?
Liliana has already hit $90. Goyf is pushing $200. Its mainly due to pod players trying to shift decks.
February 10, 2015 11:26 a.m.
Hjaltrohir says... #5
Liliana of the Veil is the real mover due to abzan, she has risen from 60-90 in the time since the bannings. Scooze and Rhino aren't set to rise a lot as they both saw printings recently, although I could see Scavenging Ooze rising a bit.
Servo_Token says... #2
Siege rhino rotates in over a year. So basically, it's impossible to know.
Scooze seems pretty steady where it's at.
February 10, 2015 8:26 a.m.