is the hype real?
Economics forum
Posted on Jan. 23, 2016, 2:49 a.m. by abenz419
I've heard all the talk back when it was spoiled about the potential it has, but what are your thoughts on Kozilek's Return and it's potential price? Depending on how the meta settles and what strategies we see (token strategies and aggro strategies) it has potential in the mainboard or in the sideboard and it is a mythic, all of which will have an effect on it's price. Since I originally saw talk on this card I know the black eldrazi deck has gained popularity. Is there potential for a red splash to open up sideboard options like this or even mainboard options like bolt and K-command? Also, I've seen more and more brews adopt strategies that were utilizing creatures with pro black/red because of burn, twin, jund, abzan, etc. decks all being relevant and played with regularity. Being devoid allows this to get around those protection abilities despite the red in the cost. Obviously twin is gone but everything else is still relevant for most people. The 5 damage would be relevant against midrange strategies and having multiple sweepers as protection being filled by one slot would benefit decks built to trigger it out of the graveyard (currently 21 eldrazi I believe), could there be potential for another eldrazi deck? Does Kozilek's Return have a real place in modern or is it only going to be a niche card that appears in sideboards whenever the meta calls for aggro decks to be kept in check?
PepsiAddicted says... #3
its an instant speed pyroclasm for 3 thats fetchable with ancient stirrings. GR tron loves that. but it wont stay at 20
January 23, 2016 7:52 a.m. Edited.
PepsiAddicted: Huh. I didn't think about Ancient Stirrings.
January 23, 2016 7:55 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #5
This thread was moved to a more appropriate forum(auto-generated comment)
January 23, 2016 8:03 a.m.
I can see it going to about $30 for a while simply because it'll be in high demand especially if tron starts using it in the pro tour. It already combos brilliantly with eldrazi decks in standard that needed a board wipe.
January 23, 2016 8:59 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #7
It's a very strong card in the right strategy, and I can see it becoming highly relevant in Standard. As for Modern, as has been mentioned before RG Tron loves this for early and late-game control. I think the hype is real. That said, I'm unconvinced that it will remain at its present price level. It is a card that only fits, albeit strongly, into very particular decks. Though it has multi-format applications, I don't think its enough to keep it at $20-25. I guess if Bx Eldrazi gets even more popular in Modern, though, I'll have to eat my words.
It's definitely going to be interesting to keep an eye on it. I'll be hoping to pull the rest of my Playset in the coming weeks from prize support!
January 23, 2016 3:06 p.m.
I just go them on pucatrade for when I upgraded. I already have a play set I will use and if I can sell them later great if I can't well it's a great bomb and when they rotate out I'll play eldrazi in modern.
So either way win win
HSF117 says... #2
Kozilek's Return's potential price will be based how much itime is used and how well the decks that it is used in does. If most of the Eldrazi decks decide to splash red to play it and Eldrazi decks perform very and take a lot of slots in top 32s, then it might stay at $20 like it is now. I'd say it'll drop to $10-$15 first.
January 23, 2016 7:50 a.m.