Jace Duel Deck
Economics forum
Posted on March 1, 2014, 11:15 p.m. by kiranearitachi
How much do you think jace will drop once these decks come out. Im thinking about selling my 3 to get 3 decks and get the remands basically for free if i sell jace at his current price
GoldGhost012 says... #3
I actually know a guy who likes Jace's new art. Course, we regularly question his sanity, so yeah.
March 1, 2014 11:37 p.m.
kiranearitachi says... #4
so should i dumb my jaces now or sometime in the summer?
March 1, 2014 11:40 p.m.
It depends on what you're using them for. If you're looking for purely financial reasons, the sooner you dump them the better price you'll probably get for them. If you're currently using them in a deck, they probably won't drop a ton until rotation gets closer, so it might be worth it to keep them, keep playing with them, and take a drop of a couple bucks.
March 1, 2014 11:56 p.m.
kiranearitachi says... #7
what is the optimal time to sell things before rotation this will be my first one so im not sure
March 1, 2014 11:58 p.m.
Optimal for financial gain is ASAP. They probably aren't going to rise any at all from now until September.
March 1, 2014 11:58 p.m.
Grimgrinner says... #9
Well here is the much more interesting question; does anybody think this will drive the price of regular remand down? Though I can see that like Tarmogoyf being reprinted, the interest in the card spiked, meaning demand spiked, so the price stayed largely the same. Do you think it will be a similar situation?
March 2, 2014 12:58 a.m.
I'm not sure it will affect remand all that much, since remand is only an uncommon. The supply is not nearly so limited as something like Tarmogoyf that was originally a rare and then reprinted as mythic. So increasing the supply with the duel decks won't have much of an effect, since its a fairly limited printing. My honest guess is that the price doesn't change more than a dollar or two.
March 2, 2014 1:03 a.m.
Tarmogoyf was printed at mythic rare in a set that saw limited distribution.
Unlike goyf, Remand will be assuredly in each box of JvV, and will see heavy distribution. The Targets and Walmarts where I live always have duel decks in stock.
March 2, 2014 1:07 a.m.
But again, goyf was originally a rare, then mythic. Remand has always been an uncommon, so there were more copies to begin with. You have to consider the percentages when you look at effect on supply/demand. Even if there are more remand in the JvV, these prints represent a smaller percentage overall than the increase in Goyfs.
March 2, 2014 1:13 a.m.
No, remand will go down in price. It's currently a $20 card. Starcitygames is accepting pre orders for the new print at $10. It already looks like severe undercutting is going to occur unless the price drops. Remand will go down because everyone is guaranteed one and it's being put into a cheap set. This is nothing like the case for goyf.
But yeh, Jace will be worthless post rotation. Sell, sell, sell. Maybe keep a copy just in case something crazy happens though. I sold my playset of Liliana after Innistrad for $40 each. They're now approaching $100. That was stupid on my part but the point is - keep 1 or 2, sell the rest.
March 2, 2014 5:55 a.m.
Basically - demand for the original printing of Remand will fall unless the price drops.
March 2, 2014 5:57 a.m.
kiranearitachi says... #15
i only have 3 jace guess ill keep them incase something happens
kmcree says... #2
Jace's price will most likely drop some, but it probably won't drop a whole lot. However, the Duel Decks print will likely be worth significantly less than the RTR print (I'm talking $15 for RTR, around $10-12 for DD). Nobody I've talked to likes the DD art, in fact most people think it looks terrible. So that will for sure hurt its price. It is important to keep in mind, however, that once rotation hits in September, Jace's value will likely plummet to between $6-8, possibly $10 at the highest.
March 1, 2014 11:33 p.m.