Japanese Booster Packs?

Economics forum

Posted on Oct. 6, 2014, 1:49 a.m. by Scytec

I really like the japanese text cards, so I have two questions. One: Are they legal in english based tournaments such as GP's and such? And two: where is the best place to find them? Both singles and full unopened packs. To be clear, buying a booster box is not in the budget right now...but a fat pack would be perfect. Thanks!!!

  1. They are legal in any tournament, if the only thing different is the language.

  2. Most stores are able to get a foreign box or two, but won't generally open them to sell single packs. Ebay usually only sells boxes and singles, and if you're looking for Khans singles in Japanese, I have plenty for trade.

October 6, 2014 1:57 a.m.

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