JOU Pre-Order... Worth it?

Economics forum

Posted on March 31, 2014, 2:47 p.m. by TheHiketeia

I'm fairly new to the Magic scene, and I have a lot to learn about the economics of it all.

Is it worthwhile to purchase a pre-order of the Journey into Nyx booster box? I have just started playing since the Theros block, so the entirety of my collection thus far is from THS/BNG. I'm looking for a solid base collection from which I could build decks for a moderately competitive Standard situation.

Thoughts? Thanks!

CrazyLittleGuy says... #2

It's pretty much impossible to know. I mean, typically booster boxes never drop below $80-$90 anyway, so a preorder in that range is entirely reasonable. Unfortunately, if you're looking to open it up, then it's a complete gamble.

March 31, 2014 2:50 p.m.

kmcree says... #3

Generally speaking, you will get the most value out a box if the set has just been released. The first couple weeks of a new set, all the cards are overpriced due to a lack of supply. Its also nice to have a box of the new set if you're a standard player and need cards to build decks. Just don't expect to get all the cards you'll need for a deck. You will get value, but you will probably have to do trades to get stuff you specifically need.

March 31, 2014 3:10 p.m.

-Logician says... #4

In general, boxes can yield poor results, moderate results, or unbelievable results. There are times that you crack open a box and don't get anything you needed.. maybe one or two shit-mythics. But there are other times when you can open a box and it's like this box was delivered from heaven containing upwards to 8 mythic rares all of which are of high value and also includes all of the chase rares. These boxes aren't found often, but it's not impossible.

As for getting into standard in a "moderately competitive" fashion, I think you're doing the right thing. Where you are, you'll benefit greatly from simply gaining card knowledge. Some people will just wait for tournament results to come in and netdeck the best possible deck without really knowing how to pilot it or sideboard properly. Not netdecking is usually more fun and casual, but less competitive. Then again, you'll be more proud of your own deck when you build it yourself.

You can choose to be the guy that buys a box or two, or you can choose to be the guy that just buys a playset of all the best cards in the set and doesn't buy a box. Buying a box will generally give you a playset of all the commons, and mostly a playset of all the uncommons. You should receive about 70-100% of the rares, and an average of three mythic rares. Also, on average, you'll get one foil rare.

March 31, 2014 3:12 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #5

Don't buy a box. Way too risky. May as well just buy the cards you need.

March 31, 2014 3:19 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #6

I agree with the Chief. Herald of Torment looks like a decent card to acquire right now, im sure there are other up and comers, you can get cheaply.

Booster boxes are more for the fun of opening it, drafting with mates, and ultimately stocking up your trade binder with stuff.

March 31, 2014 3:53 p.m.

SpaderAce says... #7

Since you're new, a box might be the best way to start practicing building decks. It's always good to start casually with some buddies, then begin to trade and tune your casual decks into competitive decks, and then proceed to buy singles to fill in the holes in your builds. That's how I started, and I think it was almost more fun back when I would buy packs and build decks based on what I owned

March 31, 2014 3:59 p.m.

Axehurdle says... #8

I highly recommend buying a box IF you intend to play limited with the booster, sealed or draft. The extra value of having a fun limited experience makes it worth the price.You will typically lose money on a booster box, it's cheaper to build decks on paper and then buy all the cards you need.

March 31, 2014 4:16 p.m.

Zondraxor says... #9

I just bought one. Prices for most cards will be all time high when they come out. Then you keep the cards you want for decks, trade off the others, preferably for shocklands and such, which don't lose much value.

April 10, 2014 1:07 a.m.

sylvannos says... #10

That $100 you spend on a booster box could buy you a good Standard deck to win FNMs and small tournaments with, IMO. Boxes typically cause you to lose value, even if you get a good amount of chase rares. At best you will break even, but have a bunch of cards that fit into different decks so you have to spend time trading for what you need.

If you're really intent on opening packs to get bulk to build up your collection, I'd suggest doing more booster drafts or sealed events. That way, you can get better value (i.e. by picking up good commons and uncommons), win packs, and do better at prerelease. There's a bunch of people who show up out of the woodwork for each new set and often have little experience in Limited. All you have to do is be decent and you can get good value from playing and then selling immediately while prices are high. For example, when BNG came out, I went to two prerelease events. I spent about $45 on entry fees, but traded everything for a little over $100 in store credit.

April 10, 2014 7:42 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #11

If u want to buy a box for any sort of value, I suggest u pick up Return to Ravnica.

It has the most cards that see modern play out of any of the recent sets and modern staples from those sets are starting to rise in price like Abrupt Decay

April 10, 2014 12:17 p.m.

cr14mson says... #12

You should definitely buy a box of JOU. As already mentioned, singles are at a high price during the first few weeks due to lack of supply. You can easily break even, at least. A booster box is also a quick way of bulking up your card pool.

After a week or two, go ahead and buy singles. Then win FNM's for more packs! Rinse. Repeat.

April 10, 2014 7 p.m.

Rugbyfh10 says... #13

If you are trying to build your collection then I say buy one. Especially if you are not a big limited player. If you draft a lot I would say forget the box. I personally always like to buy a box with each set because I play limited with my friends with the box. However if you are looking to find chase rares and mythics, you very well may, but the box is not the way to get that done.

April 11, 2014 6:21 p.m.

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