Journey into bust
Economics forum
Posted on July 17, 2015, 9:39 a.m. by Swamy
So I went to a store and they had a sale on the last two fat packs of Journey into Nyx, a set that I wasn't very familiar with and not that interested in but buy one get one free didn't seem that bad.
Question: Do I leave them sealed and try to flip them later when one of the cards becomes broken in some format, and if so what do we think of as a legitimate time until these start to turn price wise. I know it won't be till after they rotate out and it's out of print. How long is that usually?
Journey does not have a single card over 10 bucks on TCG mid. Ok, just checked - two cards over 10 bucks. Ajani, Mentor of Heroes and Eidolon of the Great Revel. There is no great value in the set. Keranos is decent, but will never fetch top dollar, as he is 1-of in decks he is played in.
All of this means that this set will never be a good set to sit on. Get 1 fat pack of Born of the gods (from your LGS, they will be happy) and actually draft those with 7 friends. Any leftovers can be used for prizes or just opened.
July 17, 2015 9:56 a.m.
I'm fairly sure the only card that will retain value post rotation is Eidolon. I can't see Ajani and the two scry lands going much lower than they already are just due to casual/EDH appeal though.
Few cards in Journey into Nyx have eternal value, I would just open the box and sell the cards before they lose all their value after rotation.
July 17, 2015 9:50 a.m.