Keranos - Sell or Hold?
Economics forum
Posted on Dec. 1, 2014, 11:53 p.m. by andymaul123
I recently acquired a Keranos, God of Storms and would like to trade him away while he's standard legal. However, I do want one of each of the gods for myself, and was planning on trying to scoop them up after the Theros block rotates. My concern is that Keranos is played in more than just standard, and that he won't dip like the other gods may in rotation. What are your thoughts? Should I move him and hope to re-acquire a copy down the road for cheaper, or hold him and hope he retains value? Your help is greatly appreciated, as I'm still pretty new to the finance side of MTG :)
He's seen a smattering of Modern play, but probably not enough to keep value after he rotates.
December 2, 2014 12:16 a.m.
sirleonard says... #4
Keranos is almost in auto include in any deck in commander running red and blue. As for formats go, he usually only sideboard in standard unless it's a control deck then they usually only have 1 in the main and maybe 1 in the side. Outside of standard he actually fits into quite a few decks. In the recent Star City PIQ he was in 5 of the top 8 decks. 2 Twins, 1 American Control, 1 Blue Moon (UR control), and 1 Scapeshift. The issue is that out of all of those he was only a 1 of and even then they were all sideboard. I'm going to say sell him now. I think he'll settle about $5 after rotation. The biggest I think with Keranos is that he's legendary and most decks that would want Keranos draw a lot of cards and because of him being legendary you wouldn't want to draw too many of them. In a few years he could also could be one of those cards that people will randomly and could go back up to $10-$15. So I'd sell now and then pick a few up after he goes down.
December 2, 2014 12:19 a.m.
andymaul123 says... #5
Thanks for the input guys. I haven't seen him played in modern too heavily, but I have seen him crop up which is why I asked. I think I'll put him up for trade now.
December 2, 2014 12:19 a.m.
He see's a solid amount of play in modern. He fits perfectly in UWR control, and both Delver and Twin have run him. I think he'll hold at least $10. He's a mythic from a set that wasn't heavily opened.
December 2, 2014 12:24 a.m.
A casual search of indicates that Keranos, God of Storms is seeing mostly play in Modern, about 1/2 that number in Standard, and a smattering in Legacy. Looking at the price graph, it's been on a slight decline since its spike a few months ago.
Chances are that with much of the card's value already wrapped up in older formats the price it's going to bottom out too much. As a comparison to predict look at something like Abrupt Decay, which saw a little Standard play but predominately more in older formats. Though as someone mentioned that's not perfect example given decks want a playset of Abrupt Decay not a one-of like Keranos, God of Storms.
However RTR was a heavily opened set, and Journey into Nyx was not. It was not a popular set and it was the third set in the block with only a single pack in the draft format. Part of why Keranos, God of Storms is as expensive as he is is because of this. Chase third set cards often hold their value well. So I don't think it's worth trying to sell it now and get a better price down the line. You're basically going to end up paying roughly the same amount.
December 2, 2014 12:41 a.m.
Sometimes one-ofs can be really expensive though.
It's up to you whether to trade or hold but I like the card and it does fit into some decent decks.
December 2, 2014 4:41 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #9
Great in modern, great in EDH. I'd probably hold onto him, as I don't see Wizards printing anything that would de-power him. He's replacing Batterskull in quite a few lists, so I'd expect him to eventually go up to $25.
December 2, 2014 5:20 a.m.
Again, he sees play in modern, so I would try to trade him now, but if you still have him when he rotates out, it won't be the end of the world.
December 2, 2014 10:59 a.m.
actiontech says... #11
I just sold my last foil for more than twice what I paid ($30 SCG preorder --> $70). I'd be selling/trading out of them now while standard and picking them back up in a few months if you want a few to play with.
December 4, 2014 11:14 a.m.
foil keranos isnt going to drop at rotation, bc standard is not giving it that $70 price tag, just like abrupt decay or deathrite, sure non foils might come down, foils will not.
Non foils i would trade into things you need if you don't, and like everyone says its usually just 1 or 2 of, but still small set not opened a lot mythic is good for long term to pic up after rotation. if they ever dropped to $5 id pick up a dozen
ThisIsBullshit says... #2
I'm quite certain he's not played in Modern, Legacy or Vintage. However, correct me if I'm wrong.
As for Commander, I have no idea. Nobody I know runs him, so I'd personally ditch him now while he's high and try and pick a few up after rotation.
December 2, 2014 midnight