Khans of Tarkir game day promos.

Economics forum

Posted on Oct. 17, 2014, 10:29 a.m. by abenz419

So I was curious, what do you think the value of the game day promos this weekend will be? I would like some of the full art Utter End sp even if I top 8 I'd like to try and trade for any others that might be available. Any thoughts on what I should value them in a trade this weekend?

DarkHero says... #2

Depending on what it is probably about the same as the normal cost of the card foiled. but thats just a guess on my part.

October 17, 2014 11:03 a.m.

EddCrawley says... #3

just done a couple of checks;

Pain Seer Born of the Gods Promo = 5.99, normal foil = 2.99

Nighthowler Theros Promo = 3.99, normal Foil = 2.99

Dictate of Kruphix Journey into Nyx Promo = 3.99, normal Foil = 3.99

So it would seem to depend on the actual playability of the card, and i can see Utter End getting some decent play in Abzan, Mardu, and Orzhov builds.

October 17, 2014 11:32 a.m.

abenz419 says... #4

So you think the promo Utter End will be around $12? I mean the logic behind it is reasonable, but as you can see from your checks, that's double the price of any other recent promo. You really think it'll be that high?

October 17, 2014 3:06 p.m.

ItchiUchiha117 says... #5

The way I see Utter End is that it's one of the best targeted removal spells in Standard, among the top 15 or so in Modern, and is going to be highly sought after for Commander for anyone using WB. Especially in foil Promo. Vindicate has had three printings and the lowest I've seen was at thirty the last I saw it (It's been a while since I looked and my phone is struggling to handle doing this, so if I'm wrong, please tell me in a courteous manner) and this is an extremely similar card (can't hit lands and costs one more, but instant speed and now I don't know which is "better"), so I think the price is very likely to be high.

tl;dr: buy them, trade for them, whatever, just get them.

October 17, 2014 3:18 p.m.

TheRedDude says... #6

im gonna win one with my awesome skills... maybe

October 17, 2014 5:51 p.m.

whats the uncommon?

October 17, 2014 8:36 p.m.

TheRedDude says... #8

October 17, 2014 8:49 p.m.

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