Leap, Pilderiver, Kolaghan's Command
Economics forum
Posted on July 31, 2015, 6:41 p.m. by JohnnyBaggins
Hey everyone! I'm currently sitting on three cards of which I'm not sure if I should sell or keep, that would be: Evolutionary Leap, Goblin Piledriver, Kolaghan's Command. All three are German, but that's hardly relevant. Do you think any of these cards will experience any amount of spike any time soon? Leap seems like a card to me that might rise to absurd dimensions. It's certainly not Survival of the Fittest-Good, but it's "Oh you want to wipe, well, let me draw a card for each dude you kill"-like effect will certainly make it finding its way into EDH. Piledriver is good already, I just wondered if it might rise? Same for Command.
Sell? Keep? Wait for the Pro Tour? I doubt Kolaghan's and Leap will be influenced by the PT, though.
theClokkwork says... #3
Kolaghan's Command is starting to see play in multiple formats, so I'd hang onto it. Piledriver is a great card thats gonna help RDW, so mayyybbee keep it. Evolve is gonna be an interesting card, seeing as its similar to Birthing Pod, but I'd sell it, I'm not sure it's going up soon.
July 31, 2015 7 p.m.
Spencerbot15 says... #4
While we officially have only seen oblivion sower, we have seen the leaked evolving wilds. (Although I can't remember where I saw it)
fluffybunnypants says... #2
Ironically, the mono red deck with the best record is playing actual 0 Goblin Piledrivers. Mono red is all up in this bitch by the way. Abbot of Keral Keep is proving to be a boss though.
Leap is trash.
K Command is mostly looking like a Modern staple.
Remember that we have seen only one actually card from BfZ and it will have a great effect on the playability of these cards. U/R Control with Magmatic Insight, Treasure Cruise and Sphinx's Tutelage looks fun as balls though.
July 31, 2015 6:59 p.m. Edited.