liliana of the veil
Economics forum
Posted on April 25, 2015, 5:09 a.m. by seuvius
Would it be a better idea to buy a Liliana of the veil now or buy 2 grove of the burnwillows and finish my playset for my tron deck? Do you see her prices going up even further or do you think its safer to wait and see if she drops?
fadelightningmm says... #3
The question here is are you a gambling man?
A reprint in mm2 leads to a price drop at the same no reprint likely will lead to a modest boost in prices
April 25, 2015 7:01 a.m.
fadelightningmm wizards has said that mm2 is only going up to New phyrexia, so she isnt getting reprinted anytime soon.
I would buy her now
April 25, 2015 7:12 a.m.
FinchFalcon says... #5
I might wait a bit, to she where she goes. She's been a bit watery lately, dropping down to sixty for a while before heading back up to 90-100. Might want to see if she comes down again. Wait for modern season to cycle?
April 25, 2015 7:35 a.m.
There isn't anything for her to be reprinted in soon, and she is as good as ever in the modern meta. And BUG is coming back in Legacy, so I don't see her dropping anytime soon.
She may not be as good as JTMS, but she is legal in modern. Modern has a lot of sway in the market.
I would pick her up soon if you need her this season. There is a chance come January that she will drop unless her demand keeps rising.
April 25, 2015 3:25 p.m.
Serendipitous_Hummingbird says... #7
Oh, WoTC will find a way to reprint her. They HATE cards that are 100+ and modern legal. I would not AT ALL be surprised to see her as a grand prix promo (which would do nothing) or in an FtV (which would help a little). Hell, maybe even the next modern event deck.
Still waiting on the JtMS vs LotV duel deck though...
April 25, 2015 7:57 p.m.
first RPTQ is over, so you figure a few thousand more lillies are in the market, and the next one is in july right? which brings us a few thousand more, i dont remember the exact numbers but it was like a predicted 12,000 lilys will be added by the RPTQ system, sure thats not a huge amount, but it will help quench the thirst and who knows what else will be coming
Dean_shredder_666 says... #2
I got two liliana when they was worth around 30 dollar a piece and they've gone up and up since. I got rid if them when they were around 70 dollar because I thought they had peeked, turns out I was wrong. They're now 100 dollar. (Ish.) I think you should wait to get them as they shouldn't go up a great deal at all and there is more chance they will drop than rise in price. I don't think they're worth the same as a jace TMS and I'm sure most will agree.
April 25, 2015 5:30 a.m.