Liliana of the Veil vs Jace, the Mind Sculptor

Economics forum

Posted on June 13, 2015, 4:33 a.m. by thebdizzle

Liliana of the Veil is showing as $94.97 and Jace, the Mind Sculptor is showing as $89.95.

My question to the community is, would Jace be more expensive if he was playable in Modern?

I don't think he would reach Tarmogoyf levels, but I do think that he would be a bit more expensive (maybe $125ish).

What do you think?

thebdizzle says... #2

Please note that the original version of Jace, the Mind Sculptor is worth $93.56. I should probably have used that version in my comparison.

These prices are all based on my MTG Familiar app witch uses TCG Mid...

June 13, 2015 4:36 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #3

Of course. There would be more demand for the same amount of supply. The price would rise.

June 13, 2015 5:05 a.m.

thebdizzle says... #4

ChiefBell, I appreciate your input. That seemed pretty straight forward to me as well. I just wanted input from the community.

What do you think Dack Fayden would be if he was in Modern? Would he be as good there? Unless you are playing against affinity, I don't see him being quite as useful.

Your thoughts?

June 13, 2015 6:03 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #5

Dack. Hmm. His +1 is solid but his -2 does little in modern except against a few decks. I mean there'd be some demand there but i dont imagine a lot. Perhaps as a sideboard card?

Perhaps his price would increase by 25% or 30% but it wouldn't shoot up in a crazy way. If jace was in modern I could perhaps see his price doubling up to goyf levels.

June 13, 2015 6:44 a.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #6

Yeah, if Jace was in MOdern i would expect a 150-250 price tag but there is no way he will ever be unbanned.

June 13, 2015 7:09 a.m.

So Jace would probably spike to right around $200 initially after being unbanned and then drop back down to right around $150 - $175.

June 13, 2015 8:19 a.m.

lemmingllama says... #8

Well, Jace likely wouldn't be reprinted anytime soon. So his price would double, and then stay approximately even for a while before creeping up slowly. He's not like a Tarmogoyf where you run four in the mainboard, but he'd be a solid two-of in many lists.

June 13, 2015 8:43 a.m.

smackjack says... #9

I believe Jace would be more expensive than Goyf if it were legal in modern.

June 13, 2015 11:40 a.m.

There is no way in hell wotc will ever unban jace in modern. No way.

Dack, if he were legal, I think would be modern playable as a repeatable looting. He'd be narrow and specialized, but in the right deck would be extremely powerful.

He wouldn't be the force he is in legacy or vintage though, given that mud isn't a thing in modern.

June 13, 2015 4:04 p.m.

smackjack says... #11

Well.. I wouldnt say never. I could see a scenario where the newest frame becomes "new modern" and modern as we know it goes more towards legacy and thus wizards unban jace and stoneforge and such to increase the power level. You know, because we would have something new to fill the void of todays modern.. In the future ;)

June 13, 2015 5:15 p.m.

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