Llanowar Wastes from Apocalypse
Economics forum
Posted on March 5, 2015, 1:04 p.m. by NikolaiBolas1
Hey guys ! I'm quite new in magic and i have opportunity to buy Llanowar Wastes from Apocalypse. Is it worth to spend money on this card ? Will the price be inscreased in the future for this card ? Thanks)
It's an ok card, not fantastic. Don't think it'll rise.
March 5, 2015 1:07 p.m.
omnipotato says... #4
It'll go down as soon as M15 rotates out of Standard (if it's not reprinted in Magic Origins). Plus its value is inflated now because Sultai Control has been doing so well. I wouldn't get them for more than $6-$7. I don't know where Runlue is getting his info but NM copies are going for $7-$7.50 on TCGPlayer
Runlue says... #2
Well, in pristine condition, the Llanowar Wastes from Apocalypse are going for around $12. That being said, how much are you potentially buying it for? Because in my eyes, I don't see the price for them going up any time soon.
March 5, 2015 1:07 p.m.