Looking to buy 3x carnage tyrants, but don't know when

Economics forum

Posted on Oct. 22, 2017, 5:52 p.m. by Pygmyrhino990

So in an Ixalan sealed I opened a TONNE of good dinosaurs, but no Carnage Tyrants. In september, the price peaked at ~$30, but ever since the price is declining. Since my old standard deck rotated out completely, I've been looking to build a new standard deck and need the 3 tyrants but don't know when to buy.

Will the release of rivals of Ixalan increase its price? should I buy just before spoilers of just before release? should I wait for a better alternative

Dismal says... #2

Bro I hate to say this (as I don't play standard and don't always know what I'm talking about) but Carnage Tyrant IS declining, and until it plateaus (meaning it stays steady at one price) I would avoid it, as a answer (like reprinting Wrath of God or something) will likely rise if its TOO good (or it gets banned, but that's not happening). And I doubt it really is, you can usually block/kill it with a variety of cards. So unless you are simply bursting with enthusiasm for playing standard, or want to just buy them now, go ahead, it's your money. BUT, I think you should play modern, cause in the long run you save money (only need to buy one deck, no rotation) and modern is pretty lit, with a variety of decks and strategies from all over magic's history (at least if they were printed in the 2000's).

October 22, 2017 7:06 p.m.

Bxbx says... #3

I don't think that Carnage Tyrant will go up with the spoilers of rivals of ixalan. They would have to print cards that boost ramp decks or midrange dinosaur decks so much that they have a chance against the fast red decks, while simultaneously not boosting the temur energy deck.

Furthermore the token deck and UW control do already play around 3 Fumigate which are a good answer to the tyrant.

Additionally, there already was a GR dinosaurs deck that went 5-0 in a MTGO Competitive Standard League that didn't even play the Carnage Tyrant.

So likely, this card will see no use in the top decks of Standard and as long as it does not hit the board in modern or the eternal formats it will keep declining in price, in my opinion.

October 23, 2017 7:44 a.m.

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