Modern Event Deck Cards

Economics forum

Posted on May 17, 2014, 11:13 a.m. by kintighd

So I am able to get the modern event decks at suggested retail price. I was thinking of buying two, keeping the things I need in the deck as playsets, then selling off the extras. My question is do you think cards printed in this event deck will be worth less than their counterparts in other sets?

Ndarren87 says... #2

Not necessarily, Since they are still the same card the only reason the price would change really is if the artwork was different, I've seen several cases where the price actually increase with a card being reprinted so that wouldn't be a surprise either. Honestly, Don't bother selling them off, save them, wait for a while and if you need them for another deck use them, or if someone needs them trade.

May 17, 2014 11:25 a.m.

Releasing new copies of various cards will lower their value slightly. This is especially true of cards that were previously hard to find (Remand dropped several dollars when it was reprinted in DDJvV).

The value of cards that have already had multiple printings will likely be unaffected, unless the new art for the card is really cool. Even then, the effect is minimal.

The value of very rare cards, like Bitterblossom , will also take a hit immediately, but will likely steadily rise over time again, provided there is still interest in the card. This takes a long time, and usually happens in spurts as tournament season rolls around.

It's unlikely that a DD reprinting will raise the value of any cards. Modern Masters kicked off the price spike of Tarmogoyf , but that was largely because MM signaled the beginning of Wizards heavily supporting the Modern format. More people began to take the format seriously, so they invested in powerful staples like Goyf.

May 17, 2014 11:44 a.m.

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