Modern Gold {Foil Nahiri}
Economics forum
Posted on May 21, 2016, 8:22 p.m. by jpeachesd
Foil Nahiri, the Harbinger is $80 on tcgplayer and $99 on starcitygames. It sees play in the jeskai deck, but how stable is this combo? Is she the new pw powerhouse approaching Liliana of the Veil levels or should I offload this and write it off as modern hype?
aeonstoremyliver says... #3
She's also seeing play in Standard, which helps drive the price. Definitely incomparable to LoTV. She's good, but not triple figure good. Post rotation I see her at about $10-20.
May 21, 2016 11:38 p.m.
I traded my 1 nahiri off for 2 mindwrack demons before the spike :(
May 22, 2016 3:12 a.m.
shes amazing in Jeskai Control. Built it for my mate this weekend who was trying to force Jeskai Dragons to be a thing in Modern (which he was not successful doing, go figure) and the Nahiri is the real deal. He even beat my tron deck with it once, which is pretty much a miracle considering how god tron matchups vs control are. Especially the version i run main decking Cavern of Souls and 3 Conduit of Ruin, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Ulamog, ceaseless hunger and 3 Worldbreaker as well as the 3 Karn Liberated and 2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon too! He beat my mates Mardu Tokens value deck maindecking 3 brimaz pretty constantly too. And that was at first crack and without quite the best list that the pros are running. She allows a crazy finish and pretty much instant win like Splinter Twin used to, but she is more useful up until the win IMO. Removal and card filtering are both strong, and her ultimate with a really low opportunity cost of one card in the main is amazing. If they spoil a new Emmy in Eldritch Moon she will spike even harder. I think that she is here to stay, mainly due to the fact that shes a 4 off basically always
May 22, 2016 4:34 a.m.
iBleedPunk says... #6
Miist I feel that pain. Before her spike I watched my brother beg another one of my friends for his Jace, Unraveler of Secrets and traded away Nahiri and some other stuff back when Nahiri was $8-$9. Price spike hit a week later and he got mad at me for not stopping him lmao
MindAblaze says... #2
Modern Hype. People wAnt a new card to play with and she's useful, but not ubiquitous. Her plus ability is useful, and her removal is ok, don't bank on the ultimate but it's obviously good.
May 21, 2016 8:28 p.m.