Modern Masters 2015 booster boxes, have we reached the low?
Economics forum
Posted on July 15, 2015, 1:42 p.m. by Apoptosis
Booster boxes of Modern Masters 2015 have been steady at $200. Do you think this is the bottom, or do you think they'll drop more? If so, how much over how long?
On a related note, what are some opportunities on modern staples right now? I can't decide whether I want to break into modern or stick with Commander and Standard (a friend is pushing me to play Modern).
APPLE01DOJ says... #4
I'd advise playing standard for a few seasons but build your decks with modern playable cards so that you pick up staples at their cheapest prices and can be used to play both formats. would be great to grab some Thoughtseize and fetches...
July 15, 2015 2:35 p.m.
ThanksAPPLE01DOJ. It's a good idea. My collection is pretty extensive back as far as Innistrad and is pretty much up to date (including cards I got from two boxes of modern masters a few years ago). Minus a 6 month hiatus, I've been playing standard for about ~2 years and also in the mid90s (unfortunately no Force of Will in modern). So I have 4 snappys, mutavaults, thoughtseize, shocklands, the more recent fetches, abrupt decay, etc. but not the older staples (Jace) and am limited in other areas (only one Bob, Liliana, etc).
July 15, 2015 2:46 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #6
Sounds like you already have the tools to build a decent modern deck.
July 15, 2015 2:53 p.m.
I know APPLE01DOJ that I'm pretty close, I just never gravitated to a specific build. I've never really collected for one deck to play, I've always collected and played diversely. But I realize that unless I want to force my kids to play for their own college, I'm going to have to settle on one or two builds. I guess, outside of boxes, I'm looking for opportunities to pick up relatively cheaply. Honestly, I don't know the format very well either.
GeminiSpartanX says... #2
Modern is peaking everywhere right now, so I wouldn't advise buying into it at the moment. Best time to pick up Modern cards is around Christmas, when prices are lowest. That said, I think buying sealed product now might be a good investment if you're planning on selling it later. If you want to crack packs, that's your lottery to play, but I don't think MM15 boxes will get much lower than what they are now.
July 15, 2015 1:49 p.m.