More (?) Thoughtseize Speculation
Economics forum
Posted on July 25, 2015, 9:28 p.m. by Doom_of_Valyria
Hey everybody, sorry if this has been mentioned before. I did some searching and didn't see any post directly concerning Thoughtseize's eternal value, so I decided to post this.
What does everybody think will happen to the price of Thoughtseize post rotation? It's currently at $23.65 (TCG Mid) and I was thinking of picking some up. I'm playing an Abzan Aggro deck next weekend in a Standard tournament and Could use a couple in place of Duress.
First and foremost, though, I'm a collector. I have the PucaPoints to request a couple of them, but I don't want to invest in something when it's about to rotate unless it's going to appreciate in value over time.
So my question to you: should I pick this card up for use so close to rotation because I can expect it to increase in price over time?
As always, thanks T/O community!
EndStepTop says... #3
The original printing of thoughtseize was pushing 100 bucks before the reprint. I'm probably going to pick up a second playset just because they'll be dirt cheap and I suggest if you're willing do the same.
July 25, 2015 9:34 p.m.
I don't think they are going to be "dirt cheap", in fact, i'd be super surprised if they dropped below seventeen-eighteen dollars come rotation. Most people who play standard are savvy enough to realize that while they aren't going to have a use for em, someone else who plays eternal and modern will. Thus, they won't be looking to dump em like the rest of their standard M15-Theros collection.
I don't see much downside to picking up some extra's now, and I definitely see a lot of downside to waiting. Look at Abrupt Decay. It took it about a year, but in the last two months it's gone up almost eight dollars and it isn't stopping.
Sure, Thoughtseize has seen a reprint and decay hasn't, but Thoughtseize fits in many more decks than decay. Expect it to hit $30 within a year of it being out of rotation.
July 25, 2015 9:41 p.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #5
Thoughtseize is very strong post rotation, as it also sees Legacy play. It probably won't see a reprint for quite some time. If you need some for a deck, don't be shy about picking them up. Waiting just post rotation when the market is flooded will see a drop in price, and the opportunity to pick them up cheaper. However, as said above, they won't stay cheap for long.
July 25, 2015 9:51 p.m.
slovakattack says... #6
It sees play in a wide variety of competitive formats. It is the best at what it does, to the point that before Theros came out, many people were under the impression that it would never be reprinted, as it'd be too strong for the magic of today.
It will go up quite a bit. The only question is how much.
July 25, 2015 11:53 p.m.
Cards that everyone knows are good don't drop that much at rotation. Snapcaster was around $20, and everyone was like "I'm waiting till they hit 12 to buy mine." But you know what? They only went down to like 18, cuz nobody was selling cuz they knew it would be where it is now. Thoughtseize is similar; although I don't think it will rise as hard as snap, everyone knows it's poised to go up and not down (barring reprint shenanigans) so I doubt it will drop more than a few bucks. Might as well buy whenever you can.
I already have my playset foil and nonfoil so I'm good ;)
TheHroth says... #2
Thoughtseize sees a lot of Modern play. I'd expect it to drop come rotation, but will rise again, perhaps higher than it is now, to about 25$. I don't think it will be reprinted again anytime soon, seeing as the Theros printing was in itself a reprint.
TL;DR Worth getting.
July 25, 2015 9:33 p.m.