New Secret Lair Anniversary

Economics forum

Posted on Nov. 30, 2020, 2:28 p.m. by RiotRunner789

Anyone planning on picking any of these up? I kind of want to get a bundle but will probably settle for some Bob Ross lands due to the price.

Massacar says... #2

I bought the non-foil bundle

November 30, 2020 2:39 p.m.

I thin both the party hard shred harder and the squirrels drop look nice

November 30, 2020 2:49 p.m.

MagicMarc says... #4

I like the artist set, the shreds, and the Bob Ross lands so I am going to get the non-foil superbundle. I kind of want the squirrels one as well but I don't have a "deck to put them in" excuse for those.

But the art is nice on those.

November 30, 2020 5:07 p.m.

smackjack says... #5

I like the SEB MCKINNON art. The PARTY HARD, SHRED HARDER art style is like a nail in my eye. Looks nothing like a magic card, more like a 12yo rednecks t-shirt :). The Gilded lotus is nice. Sorry for caps, i copy paste the names from mythicspoiler...

November 30, 2020 5:10 p.m.

RiotRunner789 says... #6

The bundles would be more appealing if I could get all in foil or all in non foil. Bit of a bummer you have to get the mega bundle to get everything, then x2 of most at that.

Bob Ross though. I'm just between foil or nonfoil at this point.

November 30, 2020 5:22 p.m.

I'd go with non-foil given the foils look like pringles and might not even be sleeve playable.

November 30, 2020 5:42 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #8

Went for the Seb Mckinnon set and the party hard shred harder non foil sets, because Sebs artwork is amazing, and those party hard cards remind me of some awesome bands I listen too daily lol.

December 1, 2020 8:30 a.m.

After looking at all the drops I think I might go for the No foils no nonsense bundle, because I love the seb Mckinnon artwork, the bob ross lands look sweet and it'd be fun to have them, and allthou I don't really care about the box of rocks and it seems to have low value, but its offset by the bonus of getting all of them, and I do need an arcane signet.

December 1, 2020 9:04 a.m.

MagicMarc says... #10

If you play MTGA, when you get the Seb Mckinnon set you get a code for a very slick looking sleeve style too. Exquisite Sleeve series:

Artist Series: Seb McKinnon Themed Exquisite Sleeve

December 1, 2020 11:03 a.m.

abby315 says... #11

I caved and bought my first-ever, just couldn't miss out on the Seb McKinnon drop. That's a good price for a Damnation and the rest of the art is fantastic. I hate these drops, though. It's super weird that WotC gets away with this kind of direct-selling to folks, and I dislike having to wait so many months after a "purchase" to actually get the product. I almost bought the nonfoil bundle but waiting until March after paying $99.99? Feelsweirdman. (And yes I know they don't charge you right away - that's actually even harder to plan financially!)

December 1, 2020 12:40 p.m.

I just can't understand why it takes them 12 weeks to get them to you. It feels so dumb and pointless:/

December 1, 2020 12:54 p.m.

MagicMarc says... #13

I think the delay is because they dont print any of it unless demand exceeds a certain minimum that allows them to profit over their costs. Or meet a minimum print run requirement or issue of some kind.

I view the Secret Lairs as collectible swag items that are kind of like concert tshirts or funko pops or similar. You are supporting a company that produces the greatest game you play,(fanboy service), which is a way of showing appreciation. You also get cool artwork to go into your deck instead of the same ol' same ol' stuff. Like why full art lands are more popular than generic basics for some people.

And when it's reprinting existing cards you don't do much harm to the secondary market of older printings. There have been many articles demonstrating the lowered values of reprints spring back over time.

My only issue is if the Secret Lair cards are unique, never printed ever in a set or prior release and playable. That then puts an onerous burden on any players wanting or needing the new cards because of the automatic forced rarity and price impacts resulting from that.

December 1, 2020 12:56 p.m.

Massacar says... #14

abby315 you can opt to pay right away once your pre-order has been secured FYI.

I did it myself for the same reason as I didn't want 100$ looming over me

December 1, 2020 1:03 p.m.

abby315 says... #15

MagicMarc I mostly agree with you, and I'm not a secondary-market purist; I just think it's weird that they technically "don't acknowledge" secondary market prices (which is a stipulation to be able to sell packs I believe) but obviously price, and choose cards for, the Lairs based on the secondary market. It's an odd little loophole. FWIW I prefer that they support LGS's and don't like that they cut them out in this way, but it's not the biggest deal.

The problem I have is their whole print-to-demand and then never again schtick. That's 100% just to maximize profit and also to maximize FOMO. As you mention it's a big deal for the unique cards like the Walking Dead ones, some of which I really like as cards but are pretty expensive. (And I don't like the art.) I also just think it makes a really feel-bad ordering process. Boxes and From the Vault predecessors did just fine financially, I wish they would go back to that.

Massacar That is good looking out! Thanks!

December 1, 2020 1:06 p.m.

sergiodelrio says... #16

RiotRunner789 I for one, have chosen to pick up the nonfoil BR lands. My reasoning is, that ppl, including me, want to be able to appreciate the original art, and in this case the foil treatment takes something away from it. So both good for me and for the resale value, imho.

December 2, 2020 3:58 a.m.

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