No0b Speculation Regarding Eternal Masters and Pricing:
Economics forum
Posted on Feb. 15, 2016, 8:48 p.m. by theitalianviking
Now, I'm pretty new to the whole WotC business side of things, so the following is just what an inexperienced man thinks. For those of you that don't know what Eternal Masters is, here's the link:
Now that you're back, as great as this is, I'm speculating that big money cards (specifically the Legacy legal ones) are going to SKYROCKET in price AFTER the release of the set. Why? Well, let's take a look at Modern Masters...
IMO, Modern Masters showed that WotC was going to support one of its eternal formats, and really kindled the interest of many Standard FNM regulars. Modern grew as a format, and so therefore demand for the powerful cards within that format also grew. Now, this shouldn't be a problem because there are more packs being opened, providing more copies of the card to bring down the price. However, we had a freak accident with Tarmogoyf, a card that actually rose in price after its reprint iirc.
What I'm wondering is if the same will happen with Legacy cards, like Force of Will? This makes me pretty wary about the set, and exactly how much it will help with giving us the cards we need, and if it will accommodate the inevitable growth in the player base (since, y'know, players specifically buying the set for modern are going to run into some legacy cards.)
:Some things that Wizards would need to do to help mitigate these problems (however unlikely because they are financial geniuses)
-No Jank in the packs!-Have a high volume of this set being printed, ideally as much as Conspiracy.-Lower the prices of the packs to less than $10.
These are just some of my personal thoughts. What are ya'll thinking?
GeminiSpartanX says... #3
MM15 Tarmogoyf is cheaper than what it was before the reprinting. So is Dark Confidant, Noble Hierarch, and many others. It mostly made the supporting cards in the respective decks more expensive.
February 15, 2016 8:54 p.m.
Lastdaysgunslinger says... #4
I seen somewhere that the msrp on these are only 6.99
February 15, 2016 9:05 p.m.
theitalianviking says... #5
That is the "Digital MSRP." According to the site, it is $9.99.
February 15, 2016 9:11 p.m.
GreenGhost says... #6
Also unlike conspiracy unfortunately there will be a limited print run like MM and MM 2015.
February 15, 2016 9:20 p.m.
ToolmasterOfBrainerd says... #7
It's the limited print run that's the problem in my opinion. If it were an unlimited print run over a period of time, then it'd have a very real effect on the prices of the staples. They absolutely cannot lower the MSRP less than $10 given that Force of Will is in the set. Yeah, I know Jace is in Origins, but the difference is that FoW is far from the only money card in those packs.
February 15, 2016 10:15 p.m.
Topdeckermtg2016 says... #8
This set is going to be either the greatest set of Magic ever printed or a lackluster bust. In reality this set HAS to be great in order for it to make a difference in legacy or draw legacy players to buy packs of this product. It also has to appeal to commander players as a cross market and perhaps modern with Zen fetches (fingers crossed). Personally I feel that legacy is a dying format with a HUGE barrier to entry that is the ABUR duals. Something radical would have to happen to sustain legacy in the long-term. IE ban ABUR duals and print a new dual land that they can reprint like:
Stagnant CreekIsland, SwampWhen this land enters the battlefield it deals 1 damage to you.
So that we still have powerful duals that have very insignificant side effects and they don't have to deal with reprinting ABUR duals. everyone's happy.
February 16, 2016 10:37 a.m.
Didgeridooda says... #9
Zen fetches are too big of a draw for a limited set. I think they will headline a standard set sooner then later.
February 16, 2016 4:39 p.m.
ZEN Fetches could probably see print in SoI. They reprinted the other Fetches in Tarkir so it's not completely out of the realm of possibility.
I expect EMA to be a lot like MM2, overall the set is going to be full of placeholders. Like everything else you will look at the Rare and move on. Most of the set will be pointless stuff.
You can probably pre-order it for MSRP, and/or get lucky and buy one in store for MSRP. The price will go up with everyone trying to get a box. A couple months after release the boxes will drop.
You can buy an unopened box of MM2 online for less than MSRP.
Atony1400 says... #2
For a casual player, cracking one of these seems like something new, and (slightly) exciting. But honestly, $10 for 15 cards of the same cardboard with 1 chance at a card that's about $100?
February 15, 2016 8:52 p.m.