Economics forum
Posted on March 6, 2015, 3:40 p.m. by SpartanCEL
So I'm headed to a flea market I went to when I started playing magic as a pretty inexperienced player, I live in a smaller town so I'm almost positive they're there, i bought a few cards then and they're from ice age/temptest era so if there's any cards to look out for tell me! Probably uncommons commons but anything of decent value
mathimus55 says... #3
Wasteland and any ABUR duals. Just really buy any and all cards you find for a cheap price and go from there.
March 6, 2015 3:42 p.m.
SpartanCEL says... #4
Balls the place where it's at is closed on weekdays. I'll see if I can try tomorrow
March 6, 2015 3:54 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #5
First, this doesn't belong in BE. It belongs in Economics. Moved.
Second, it's impossible to list every card worth buying, or every card to look for in a collection. If you see cards, buy them and sort them out later.
March 6, 2015 3:58 p.m.
hammerhead300 says... #6
Between the two sets, Wasteland is by far the most valuable card you could find. Tempest has a few other cards in the $10-15 range. Ice Age has Necropotence at around $10, and from there I don't believe anything is going for more than $4-5.
March 6, 2015 4:35 p.m.
SpartanCEL says... #7
hammerhead300 thanks man! I'm probably just going to buy as many as I can and look later like Epochalyptik said, but if I can't I'll look out for Wasteland and really any nonbasic like ABUR duel lands if there's any
March 6, 2015 7:33 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #8
Protip: Don't start picking cards out unless they're already sold as singles. If people see you cherrypicking the cards, they might want to look the value up.
March 6, 2015 7:49 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #9
The two money cards out of Tempest, that I know of, are Wasteland and Intuition. I've actually found several Intuitions for cheap at a local flea market lol.
March 7, 2015 12:19 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #10
Other cards of note: pain lands, Aluren, Ancient Tomb, Choke, Earthcraft, Eladamri, Lord of Leaves, Grindstone, Humility, the medallion cycle, Lotus Petal, Mirri's Guile, Necropotence, Reanimate, Reflecting Pool, Scroll Rack, Time Warp.
Come on, now. Wasteland isn't the only value in Tempest.
March 7, 2015 12:52 a.m.
CastleSiege says... #11
In my defence, I said that I know of :P I forgot Ancient Tomb and Lotus Petal were in Tempest. Had no idea about the other cards you mentioned lol
March 7, 2015 1:04 a.m.
SpartanCEL says... #12
So when I went there before I bought 5 swamps, 1 from ice age, 2 from temptest, and 2 from Portal? Advanced Search. I was in a rush when I made this post..... So Portal is like a set for beginners I guess. Ill do a little research of my own along with whatever you guys know about portal cause I don't know these old set prices
March 7, 2015 7:11 a.m.
SpartanCEL says... #14
They're not there anymore so sad face no need to comment anymore
Servo_Token says... #2
Umm... if you see cards, buy them, then report back.
March 6, 2015 3:42 p.m.