Phyrexian Arena vs Bob
Economics forum
Posted on May 13, 2015, 4:55 a.m. by ZSensei90
Yeah, I know for most of you Bob is easily the winner but cause for a set I've to spend 120 Euro instead of 8 for other, I would like to know all pro and con of both and if I've to wait to buy them! Thanks for the help!
They both give you one card. The loss of life edge would have to go to the arena.
Bob comes out a turn sooner and can potentially deal damage.
I would consider what type of removal is in your meta, is it heavier creature kill or enchantment.
Also, with bob you have to be more mindful of your overall deck build as drawing a card with too high of a cmc can kill you.
Plus arena does not make you reveal the card
And the difference in price would have to got to the arena as well
May 13, 2015 10:06 a.m.
Essentially, the fact that DC can do damage, and the fact that it draws you a card a turn earlier makes it favoured in all competitive formats.
However, arena is more suited to slower, longer games where you may include cards with higher cmcs
May 13, 2015 10:19 a.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #5
I think the most important factors to weigh against each other are:
- Dark Confidant can sometimes be 0 life, can attack for damage, and costs 1 less mana
- Phyrexian Arena is capped at 1 life, is more difficult to remove from the board, and doesn't reveal the card (and costs infinity less money)
What kind of deck are you building? Arena would be much better for a control deck than Confidant, but can never truly replace it as a "budget" choice in an aggro or midrange deck.
EmblemMan says... #2
Actually i like arena more for casual and things like edh bob will just lose u unecessry life in a constructed modern deck bobs probly bettrr
May 13, 2015 9:58 a.m.