pre release promo drana, liberator of malikir
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 26, 2015, 5:19 p.m. by seuvius
So my friend pulled a promo drana, liberator of malikir. What would you value it at? I'm not to sure of the price difference between it and the normal foil.
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
The promos are usually around the price of the pack foil for playable cards. See Den Protector, the ORI walkers, Tasigur, and Dig Through Time as examples.
EDIT: To specifically answer your question: foil Drana is $33 on TCG, so I'd guess you could get $30 for trade and $25 to sell. This is based on the pattern I observed with the above cards. It could fluctuate due to prerelease hype (whether for better or worse).
September 26, 2015 5:56 p.m. Edited.
JaceSeeker says... #4
Hes right if the card is playable enough you can get a decent amount even the same as a pack pull, but they have to be super playable and gerneally thats after the pro tour and GP's, when the trends start to hit and the hype dies down. I remember the Butcher of the Horde there was a $7 difference between promo and pack pulled. But cards like Den Protector stayed steady to become a staple.
September 26, 2015 6:04 p.m.
I gave my friend $35 in puca points for her,everyone was telling me that the promo would be a bit more expensive lol
JaceSeeker says... #2
Usually the promo editions of a card are a bit cheaper then the actual pack pulled version. Take the actual price and subtract generally about $3-$5 depending on the card. The regular version of her is setting at just under $12 now so the promo is worth anywhere around $7 up to about $9.
September 26, 2015 5:51 p.m.