Pre-release Trading Guide

Economics forum

Posted on July 11, 2014, 12:46 p.m. by Servo_Token

Hey guys,

So I made up a finance guide for those that are interested in trading for specs and future value at the prerelease this weekend.


Should download as a basic Microsoft Word document that you may print at your leisure.

Basically it just covers the key cards that I (and others) think will be going up over time, what you should trade for things at, and what to trade away (pretty much everything not on the list). It also includes some uncommons to watch out for if you're interested in further potential dollar uncommons.

Should be color coded, and if it isn't just let me know and i'll try to fix it. This isn't a definitive "Do this or you're dumb" guide, it's just more of a set of guidelines that you should follow for some basic specing and getting the most out of your trading experience at the prerelease.

Thanks for checking it out!

mathimus55 says... #2


July 11, 2014 3:21 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #3

Xathrid Slyblade, not Skyblade. It should also be Soul of Theros, not Soul of theros.

Otherwise, I'll print this out and take it to the prerelease.

July 11, 2014 3:47 p.m.

PasorofMuppets says... #4

Alternatively Quiet Speculation always releases a list (alphabetical or sorted by price) of all per-release cards worth over a dollar according to tcg med.

July 11, 2014 3:54 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #5


Thanks for the corrections, these names were just off the top of my head.


That list doesn't give you any useful information aside from what cards there are. Prerelease inflates prices beyond what they'll ever be in standard for the most part. This list is of cards that have the most potential for growth over the course of the year. This is more of a 'get em while they're cheap' sort of thing.

July 11, 2014 4:11 p.m.

PasorofMuppets says... #6

I mentioned that list because it's convenient, as in you can just print that out instead of looking up prices for everything.

That said, your reasoning behind these choices would be great as I really don't understand a number of them (like Ob Nixilis and Yisan -- do you think these are going up soon? Are you looking at them for the long haul (makes more sense)? If whichever, why? etc etc)

July 11, 2014 4:21 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #7

Right, I'll definitely put some explanations into the next one of these I do.

The reasoning behind most of these are that they have the most potential room to grow, based on word floating around the finance community.

It's not that these are guaranteed to be double what they are right now in three weeks, but they have the most room for growth. Being at such low prices means that this is the perfect opportunity to pick them up if and when they do spike. You don't need to go all in on all of them, but these are the cards that show the most promise to be those that you'll be glad you had a playset of by the time the second set of khans comes around.

Really, the only cards on the list that have a specific reasoning to be on the list are Scuttling Doom Engine , Soul of Theros , and Life's Legacy .

Scuttling Doom Engine is poised to be the new Thragtusk in standard, meaning that every deck that can run it (meaning every midrange deck built) will run it. Its "dies" trigger makes it extremely valuable by itself, not to mention that small aggressive decks can't chump block it. Everyone who doesn't want to play a RDW variant needs to have a playset of this card, and it's only $3.50 right now. not to mention the interaction between it and Shrapnel Blast .

I am predicting midrange to be a huge contender in the coming months, and white based devotion / midrange is the perfect shell for Soul of Theros to sit in. It's only $3 right now, which means that this is the perfect time to pick up 2-3. Even if it doesn't catch on, you'll still have the build-around-me card to use for an FNM. This one i'm not 100% confident about, but it has the potential as the best of the soul series to be quite good.

Life's Legacy draws you cards in green. That almost never happens. Garruk, Caller of Beasts was a $20 card for most of its life. Green midrange decks need card draw, and this provides a lot of it. I don't know why prerelease prices on this thing are so cheap, it has the potential to fuel huge plays and be a giant contender in the upcoming format. Backed by what is possibly the best standard suite of green midrange creatures there's ever been, this card will see play if a green midrange strategy breaks out. You're going to want to get at least 8 of these before Khans comes out.

Like I said, aside from these three cards, the rest are just good cards that are poised to be good after rotation or in the coming weeks, and have the highest potential to be played. I can see myself playing all of these cards competitively over the course of the next few months. And again, i'm not saying that you need to get 50 copies of each card on here, but picking up your playset or two before they get expensive will be a great load lifted off of you later. They're cards that can be used to turn hype ($20 for this new garruk, really?) into solid future investments.

July 11, 2014 4:54 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #8

To explain Ob Nixilus:

He's an EDH card through and through. That format has proven that it alone can sustain some card prices, and I feel that he's good enough to fit the bill. In a competitive format where everyone and their mother is tutoring with Kaalia every turn, this guy provides a great clock, and is also great even for casual.

As for Yisan, He's also more of an EDH card, but I love anything that can tutor at a cheap cost. He's a solid Birthing Pod replacement, even if it is just to add redundancy in EDH. I don't see him being a $10 card (Heck, pod was only a $10 card for most of its life), butI can't see him staying at less than a buck.

July 11, 2014 5:44 p.m.

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