Prerelease promo Liliana?
Economics forum
Posted on July 12, 2015, 12:20 a.m. by Jay
Got one of these in my seeded pack with the date stamped, etc. Wondering what the value is. Looked around online a bit but didn't see anything definitive. My best guess is around $30-35 right now? She's 20 normally so that seems pretty fair. Not to mention promo walkers have a lot of inherent value even if she isn't played much.
(Not to make this a trade post, but I'm tentatively accepting offers for her. Binder isn't up to date on here but let me know if you're interested.)
I'll check your binder out tomorrow and get back to you.
It's annoying that prices are weird pre-release.
Unforgivn_II says... #2
I would like to trade for it. Usually the promos have been the same price as regular foils, which I am not seeing prices for yet. As far as trades go, the only cards I have that you want is a GP promo Griselbrand
July 12, 2015 12:41 a.m.