pretty swamp
Economics forum
Posted on Feb. 21, 2015, 2:50 p.m. by smackjack
I bought this card foiled today for 50 cents. Its so damn beautiful! I figure it should be worth some, but probably not a lot. The page where i bought it doesn't have more copies to compare, but the non-foil version cost $1. What would you value the foil one to?
quesobueno123 says... #3
Near mint at 2.50ish on tcg with shipping but that is lowest from channel fireball. Other listed sellers have it at 6
February 21, 2015 2:53 p.m.
Unforgivn_II says... #6
My friends and I call those the christmas swamps. They're the best
February 21, 2015 3 p.m.
So... SCG 6 bucks, everyone else 2 bucks. Seems abought right :)
February 21, 2015 3:09 p.m.
ItchiUchiha117 says... #8
Oh, hey. I have a foil one of those in one of my EDH decks.
February 21, 2015 3:21 p.m.
What.... Is that a SWAMP?! There are flowers on it! There's no death and pain! What is wrong with that swamp!?!
February 21, 2015 4:44 p.m.
I usually only play with full art basics but I want those...all of them.
February 21, 2015 5:16 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #11
I have a few of those in one of my EDH decks. Had no idea they were worth more then normal. I liked it, so I put it in there. <-- good overall life advice there
February 21, 2015 5:30 p.m.
due to it being a rare 'pretty' swamp, and it being nice art, I reckon thats why its so costly in foil compared to others. Lorwryn/Morningtide was all about the pretty things afterall
February 21, 2015 6:22 p.m.
I got literally the same swamp in foil for .75. I dont have it anymore though.
Also got a foil full art zendikar swamp for 8$ store credit for winning 3 rounds of modern, found out it was like 23$. I dont have that anymore either.
ThisIsBullshit says... #2
SCG values it at about 6 bucks.
Holy shit.
February 21, 2015 2:53 p.m.