Price of Promo Ugin.
Economics forum
Posted on March 5, 2015, 9:11 a.m. by Viral_Assassin
Anybody have any thought or ideas of what this card Ugin, the Spirit Dragon might be worth in may? I didn't think it'd go above $100 on release but I've seen some card site selling him for $150-$200. Just wondering if I should expect him to keep climbing or if he will fall before then. Thanks to anyone with any insights or thoughts on this :). I apologize as I do not know how to link the promo card on the site so I linked the normal Ugin.
Viral_Assassin says... #3
Awesome. Any thoughts on maybe a specific price before the end of may? I'm looking maybe to trade him in for cards I need for decks.
March 5, 2015 9:19 a.m.
Specifics? No idea. Expect him to keep getting closer and closer to that $200 mark. Funny thing is that in Europe I'm seeing him listed for 80 euros which is about $88.
March 5, 2015 9:23 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #5
Tbh I only checked 2 sites as those are the ones I use/ most people in my area use for value. One of them Idk how many people use but has a loyalty program and offers discounts, cool stuff Inc. com, the other was
March 5, 2015 9:25 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #6
Thank you though for your knowledgeable words of wisdom. If he doesn't climb to the price I like before End of may I might just hang onto him. Money money money lol
March 5, 2015 9:27 a.m.
Median $185 on tcgplayer. Seems like a reasonable price.
Given that they're like under $100 in Europe I'm going to invest in a few.
March 5, 2015 9:28 a.m.
Here's a price chart of him.
Seems around $200 is reasonable at this time. I think he will increase but it may take time. He certainly won't go down.
March 5, 2015 9:30 a.m.
I called you crazy?
For reference: the normal version isn't worth shit. The promo version is a whole different story.
March 5, 2015 9:35 a.m.
slovakattack says... #11
When I bought up my set of promo Ugins at 70-80 bucks. I got a lot of shit from people on this site. Good natured, of course :P
March 5, 2015 9:40 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #13
Very nice! I wish I had found more but Tbh imy in a small small town. Our games day/prerelease thing had 25 players lol. I was only one to open promo ugin and only one other person open another ugin.
March 5, 2015 9:44 a.m.
slovakattack says... #14
I am so amped for the Command series, and will be aquiring a foil set of all of them. Moreso than even Narset, honestly.
She's a very good walker, but I don't think she's justified her hype (where the eternal formats are concerned- she'll be an absolute house in Standard, no question.)
I mostly think the hype train tore itself apart over her because we haven't had so much as an eternal -playable- walker in the last, what... 2 blocks? (aside from Sorin, Solemn Visitor, but.... ehhh...)
So when people see a playable walker for the first time in years, they kinda lose their shit :P
March 5, 2015 9:44 a.m.
slovakattack says... #15
Viral_Assassin: That's awesome, man. Hold onto it. You'll be glad you did :3
March 5, 2015 9:45 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #16
She's one of the cards I'd like to get lol. She seems pretty great for standard play which is what I mostly play. wanting to trade that ugin to get more modern cards come may.
March 5, 2015 9:47 a.m.
slovakattack says... #17
If you find someone interested, you could get a great set of Staples for that Ugin.
Narset looks great, don't get me wrong- and I'm currently brewing a Modern deck with her in it for funsies. But... She's not gonna break the format, nor is she 'what control needs', yanno? It's very possible that she'll be an expensive walker down the line, but I predict that her price will settle at 30 USD for a while, when people realize that she isn't the second coming.
March 5, 2015 9:50 a.m.
Control doesn't need a repeatable source of card draw?
March 5, 2015 9:55 a.m.
Tarzanovic says... #19
I think I read somewhere that the chance was 1 in 50 or 100 Ugin boosters... I got lucky and landed one myself, after dropping out from 3 lousy games. Big surprise on my part! :)
March 5, 2015 9:57 a.m.
slovakattack says... #20
ChiefBell: It does. So does every other deck, ever. But what I meant was 'what control needs- to be extremely effective in the modern meta.'
In my opinion, it needs a catch-all removal, not more draw.
March 5, 2015 10:06 a.m.
You mean Dismember or Path to Exile. Which Nrset allows you to cast twice, creating a soft lock.
March 5, 2015 10:08 a.m.
slovakattack says... #23
No, I mean Counterspell. Dismember's drawbacks limit it to being a 1-2 of in the decks that run it, making it unreliable. Path is the closest thing to a catch-all removal spell, but that alone is not enough to make Modern reactive decks great, and it's no counterspell.
I feel like an argument is coming on, so I'm just gonna put this right here: I did not say narset is -bad.- I'm actually brewing an Esper deck with 3 copies in it at the moment, and am excited for the impact that she will have on Modern.
However, she is not the savior that control players seem to think she is (in my opinion), and she is not a 60 dollar walker. At least, not until a few years after rotation. Then, we'll see.
March 5, 2015 10:14 a.m.
I don't think in any way she's the saviour of control but I think she's a slam 2-of at least in Jeskai control. For that reason alone I see her holding $30 - $40 for a long, long time. Her interactions with various cards just create such value that she can't be ignored. In many ways like Snapcaster Mage. She just lets you do more with the resources you have and for that reason alone she's a dream for control. Maybe not suitable for a 4-of and to be $60, sure. But enough to be a solid include and to hover 30 to 40.
March 5, 2015 10:18 a.m.
slovakattack says... #25
ChiefBell: Oh, I 110% agree with you. She's a solid walker, and it's really gratifying to see that Wizards are still willing to print good ones.
Interesting to note, is that her +1 enables Super-friends builds slightly, in the sense that she can get her card advantage through other walkers. This is interesting, b/c we all known that Origins will be chock-full of walker and walker related things. Super friends may be a thing in standard, with Narset as their primary draw engine.
March 5, 2015 10:22 a.m.
My sister got a promo Ugin at the prerelease, but she doesn't play magic anymore. I can't take it from her, so she has it locked up somewhere.
Currently, SCG has it at $200, but as others have said, I can expect it to very slowly climb up. I honestly don't see it jumping up very much from its current price.
March 5, 2015 10:45 a.m.
Squisherton says... #27
Okay so i heard a rumor that there's a german misprint Ugin's fate pack alt art version? Truth???
March 5, 2015 12:42 p.m.
Yes. There's a misprint that has the middle ability say 'more than X' instead of 'less than X'
March 5, 2015 12:48 p.m.
SimicPower says... #30
ChiefBell: Time to pull out the R&D's Secret Lairs!
I don't think Ugin will start to climb for a while, as I don't really know what forces would be driving his price up. When Ugin rotates from standard and his non-promo price drops, I think the promo will likely drop (slightly) too. But long term, I see it holding a lot of value.
March 5, 2015 7:41 p.m.
Tarzanovic says... #31
slovakattack indeed! people keep trying to get me to trade it off or sell it. I keep thinking: Screw that! I'mma keep this thing, a one in a million! Already its price has jumped to twice its original value :)
March 6, 2015 2:12 a.m.
SimicPower says... #32
Seriously though, if I had one I would for sure sell it and buy an ABUR dual land. Those things are guaranteed to increase in price because of the Reserve List, and all also much more sought after.
March 6, 2015 3:04 a.m.
Tarzanovic says... #33
@SimicPower I read your comment and though: "Land? Dont you mean lands?" Then i saw the price of one... O.o :D
That would indeed be a worthy investment, but I like the fact that this is something I own that none of the other players at my local game store will probably ever have :) (but then again, all the old players have much more than I ill ever have, so it evens out ;))
March 6, 2015 4:05 a.m.
Probably worth trading for an ABUR land if you can, just because they actually see play in competitive events.
March 6, 2015 5:01 a.m.
Promo Ugin has been on the decline FYI, no longer on the way up, people who NEEDED! to have one got theirs, so no one is buying them at $180 anymore, hes back towards $140-150 and dropping, could prolly get them on FB for $120
March 6, 2015 10:37 a.m.
Both of the below:
Show that he's dropped $5-10 recently. That's marginal compared to his $180-$190 price tag. So no, he's not dropping in a big way.
Regardless of whether people want him or not he's a collectors item that'll see appreciation in the long term.
However I still feel it'd be safer to trade him in for cards that actually see play like ABUR lands.
March 6, 2015 10:45 a.m.
he used to sell for $180 cash, ebay recent sales are much closer to $150, sold not active, theyre still active for a reason, no one bought them.
my bad i deal with cash and tcg lows and such not starcity and mid prices
March 6, 2015 11 a.m.
That's ok. It just means the hype has died down. It happens.
March 6, 2015 11:03 a.m.
SimicPower says... #39
Here's a funny somewhat related story from my FRF prerelease. When I was handed my Ugin's Fate pack, I knew there could be an Ugin inside, so I opened it very delicately. So delicately, it turns out, that after I was done the pack didn't really look opened, as only a small, hardly noticeable, tear had been made on the backside. I then I decided I would just put this opened pack on the table in front of me as I went on to play the rest of my matches.
I recall at least three times that night that someone said "Woah! An unopened Ugin's Fate pack!" and grabbed my pack only to have the already opened plastic crushed under their fingers. It was definitely the funniest prerelease I had ever been to.
ChiefBell says... #2
He'll keep climbing. There'll never be any more printed and its fairly limited in number as it is. He's a special collectors card.
March 5, 2015 9:15 a.m.