Price Spec: Den Protector and Demonic Pact
Economics forum
Posted on Aug. 17, 2015, 8:17 a.m. by ducttapedeckbox
What do we expect to happen to Den Protector and Demonic Pact come rotation?
I'm not well versed in Standard Abzan lists to know if they'll want more Den Protectors once they lose a lot to rotation, but it seems like it'll see more play.
As for Demonic Pact, with the traditional UB control essentially dead, I think this will make an appearance after rotation in either a GB shell (like the one piloted by Antonio Del Moral Leon) or a UB shell (like this), or maybe even BUG.
It's impossible to be certain without seeing what's in BFZ, but is it worth picking either of these up before rotation?
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
That's what I figured, Boza. I'm mostly concerned with Demonic Pact so I might as well pick them up.
August 17, 2015 9:33 a.m.
I personally picked up 4 pacts now for 20 euro, and made an UB pact deck with just Tarkir and Origins cards. It is testing OK in goldfishing and having all the parts for it helps for sure. So, I got the pacts for it and will be playing at standard events and look for cards from BFZ as supplements.
Den protector will always be a factor, for as long as there is Deathmist Raptor around. These cards will be strong still come October, so it should be no issue to buy into them now and BG or Sultai Demonic Pact both play Den Protectors.
August 17, 2015 10:03 a.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #5
Yeah, that's what I've been doing. I watched a feature match of the GB version and loved how it played, so I've brewed with the different color combinations.
I've been testing a BUg version with the green splash for Sultai Charm (Gaea's Revenge removal and otherwise solid utility) and Den Protector. I'm not sure that I like DP in there since it's among the only creatures, but we'll see what BFZ brings us.
I don't want to invest much into Standard, so I want to try to pick these cards up and their lows (but who doesn't want to do that?).
August 17, 2015 10:11 a.m.
My prediction: The more we approach October, the closer we get to Octoberfest, the higher den protector will rise and the lower demonic pact will go. I think I will at least 33% right on these. DenProt is actually played in winning decks and DemPact has not been seen since the protour.
Get the Den prots now, but wait on the pacts to go lower.
August 17, 2015 10:17 a.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #7
Hmm that's very true. Pact hasn't seen any winning action yet.
Sadly I've had 5 DenProts and traded four. I drafted DTK DTK FRF 5 times and pulled one in either draft packs or prize packs during each.
Boza says... #2
"It's impossible to be certain without seeing what's in BFZ..."
You have answered your own question. We currently know 4 cards, at most, from the new set. Try making a deck from Tarkir and Origins only with these cards. If they are any good, it is likely they will continue to be good even after rotation.
August 17, 2015 8:41 a.m.