Risen Executioner gone up
Economics forum
Posted on May 26, 2016, 6:15 p.m. by Lastdaysgunslinger
Anyone clued in to why he has gone up . He used to be on ebay for 6-8 a playset now 16-20.Zombies arent doing well so any other reasons.
Adameus2012 says... #4
Just speculation, but he DOES have a lord effect on him, and has a built in self recursion. Not the best, but it may have some niche soon. Prized Amalgam may have something to do with it, as I think we will see many more zombie brews which will fairly often have few, if any, zombies in the yard by the time the ability would become relevant. Also, if it was a "for the win" situation, i could see busting out a Gravecrawler or 2 from the yard, then plopping down a Gurmag Angler to delve away the creatures until you can afford to cast it for normal cost. There seem to be a lot more possibilities for zombies lately, and people know that this is a mythic, from an end of block set, and probably won't be printed again for a long while, if ever.
May 26, 2016 11:17 p.m.
Lastdaysgunslinger says... #5
All good points but quite a jump for speculation.
May 27, 2016 12:08 a.m.
Adameus2012 says... #6
Maybe, but really there is nothing that dictates price more than actual supply and demand and market activity. The amount of this price jump COULD be due to just many people brewing with them all at once. As far as I know there isn't anything top 8 running it or anything?
wasianpower says... #2
Spec that Zombies could do well in the future. Same reason Olivia, Mobilized for War is worth anything.
May 26, 2016 6:41 p.m.