Rotating Speculations

Economics forum

Posted on May 19, 2015, 5:30 p.m. by BlazingTowel

Hey guys! I'm new to the forum here! I just wanted to make a post about this rotation season. What cards should I keep, let go of, and buy out of stock. I know Thoughtsieze is on my keep list. Are there any other modern staples, or cards that you think would just shoot up in price? Thanks is advance!

Rasta_Viking29 says... #2

Eidolon of the Great Revel is my top spec. Being an enchantment creature makes it highly unlikely to be printed in Standard again and relegates it to supplemental products. BNG was also a very lightly opened set. I foresee much bitching in the future over it's price as people look to break into Modern with RDW/Burn.

May 19, 2015 5:45 p.m.

BlazingTowel says... #3

I was thinking that card as well. It already sees some Modern play, and is a good sideboard in some Legacy decks. What do you think will happen to Brimaz, King of Oreskos?

May 19, 2015 5:47 p.m.

vishnarg says... #4

Rasta_Viking29, did you mean JOU instead of BNG? Because JOU was opened a little more heavily. Still I understand your commitment to him as an investment, I own 6 copies.

May 19, 2015 6:12 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #5

vishnarg yup. I'm 12 deep on the Eidolon currently, targeted them aggressively as filler for trades and traded down with new hype cards when they were <$5.

Brimaz is a weird one. In terms of Standard he has never been worth his price tag. He is buoyed by having strong casual appeal, former hype, and being in BNG I guess. I know he has popped up in Modern and Legacy but not in large numbers or with any regularity to my knowledge. I'd stay away as there are stronger and more reliable cards to chase.

May 19, 2015 6:41 p.m.

dan8080 says... #6

Master of Waves or Thassa, God of the Sea because modern fish. Master sees play in it almost regularly and I think thassa is the only god card from theros block worth investing in long term.

May 19, 2015 7:28 p.m.

Sleazebag says... #7


  • Thoughtseize simply made the set. Thoughtseize is obvious.
  • Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver Sees a surprising amount of Modern play (I still don't understand why).
  • Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx A unique card. Fast mana has a history of being SCARY. Doesn't see much play at the moment but one day...
  • Anger of the Gods Modern Sideboard card (Sideboard cards won't see a large price increase, but won't drop too much)
  • Prophet of Kruphix Sees extensive EDH play (Won't skyrocket, but EDH demand is a VERY real thing. Expect this card to steadily increase in value).

Born of the Gods:

  • Brimaz, King of Oreskos: Low amount of eternal play, price is high due to it being a strong card, it just hasn't found the right deck yet. Maybe it never will. Not really a solid speculation target, I think it will drop.
  • Courser of Kruphix: Sees heavy standard play, was printed in a starter deck. Also sees quite a lot of modern play. Will drop after rotation then steadily climb.
  • Hero of Iroas: Only $3, and a very far fetched bet, but it is another unique card. Will drop to nothing after Heroic rotates, then I'll just put a few dozen into a box and maybe get a pleasant surprise in a few years.

Journey into Nyx:

May 19, 2015 8:27 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #8

The issue with Brimaz, King of Oreskos is that people run him as a 2 of at most and he really needs to be ran as a full playset...

May 19, 2015 8:56 p.m.

Argy says... #9

Eidolon of the Great Revel is also killer in Tiny Leaders.

May 19, 2015 8:58 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #10

Is Courser of Kruphix still heavily played in Modern? I thought it had dropped in popularity a while ago. Still will see quite a bit of EDH play though.

May 19, 2015 10:48 p.m.

mckin says... #11

i think the KTK mythics are worth picking up, i dont think anything rotating is going to snapcaster so the money made short term is deffinetly in KTK block specs.

Wingmate Roc gets insanly better with stormbreath dragon gone, as well as the dragon hunter uncommon, and hidden dragonslayer to a degree. White I think will become a little more prevalent in the mid range department, although losing elspeth.

Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker also with downfall rotating sarkhan isnt as bad, he fills in the 5 drop slot of red decks losing stormbreath, but avoids almost 100% of creature removal since downfall was down in response to his ability.

See the Unwritten is still at like $3 up from $1 in speculation of big creatures in zendikar. this plus if zen fetches return, taking pressure off the KTK ones, this could create more room for mythics to go up in price.

May 20, 2015 12:13 a.m.

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