RTR Box: Now or Later?
Economics forum
Posted on March 27, 2014, 6:39 p.m. by GoldGhost012
I really have the urge to crack a RTR box. I could get one right now for $100, so my question is thus: will the price of the box fall at all when it rotates out? My gut says no, but I'm not sure.
Another factor is that if I buy one now, I'd most likely be splitting it with 3 other people and drafting at least part of it for fun, no prizes. If I waited until it rotated out, I'd most likely be buying it myself and keeping everything. Less fun, but more profit.
I await your economical wisdom.
It will definitely only go up from here. RTR is going to be one of the most popular older "throwback" sets to draft in a couple years. There is also lots of eternal value in the box. Definitely get it while you can, and even consider getting a box to hold on to (sealed) as it will probably double in value in a couple years.
March 27, 2014 6:51 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #4
With shocklands, Deathrite Shaman , Sphinx's Revelation and Abrupt Decay . I'd say either crack it and keep the cards, or hold onto the box to double your money in a year. Both are fairly smart options.
March 27, 2014 7:47 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #5
I think I would have a really hard time holding onto a sealed box for a long time. All those potentially awesome cards just begging to be opened...
March 27, 2014 7:50 p.m.
Okay here are my predictions!
Sphinx's Revelation will be a $5 card approaching this October. By the end of the year, it will show signs of slowly going back up and will eventually settle around $7-8 because of it's impact as a bomb drop in modern and EDH control decks.
Deathrite Shaman will be a $10 card approaching this October and will always go up in price because of its demand for four-ofs in every B/G/x legacy deck. It's also a win-condition in vintage. I imagine it being about $25-30 by 2016.
Abrupt Decay will be a $12-15 card approaching this October and will steadily increase over time. It is arguably one of the most powerful removal spells every printed. If it goes a long time without a reprint, it can do the same exact thing that thoughseize did until it was reprinted in Theros. I can see Abrupt Decay being $20-30 card by 2016.
Supreme Verdict will be a $3 card approaching this October and will honestly settle around there for about 6 months until is starts raising back up to about $5 where it will stay there basically forever.
Detention Sphere will only retain value as a foil. Look at the markup on foil detention sphere and you'll know what I'm talking.
Desecration Demon will go back to his sleeper value of $1.00 and that'll be the end of that.
Shocklands will generally retain their value, and are good for holding onto for modern and possible future standard printings anyway. DO NOT TRADE THEM AWAY!
I can't think of anything else significant.
-Logician says... #2
The price of that box is slowly going to rise from now on. Buy them now if that's your goal. Really keep an eye out for Abrupt Decay , as it will likely be the all-star of the set.
March 27, 2014 6:44 p.m.