Scavenging Ooze

Economics forum

Posted on Dec. 3, 2014, 5:58 p.m. by abenz419

There are technically 3 different printings of the card. The commander version, the M14 verstion, and the promo version from duel of the planeswalkers game. I was curious if people thought that the game promo version would hold more value than the M14 version. I don't know how well the duel of the planeswalker promos usually hold value, but it's a foil version and I'm inclined to believe that there was more M14 printed than DotP games sold. Will this help it hold more value or will this have no real impact?

Servo_Token says... #2

Well, it's the cooler looking of two foil versions, so take that into consideration.

Other than that though, there's a lot of them. I'd say it'll probably only be a bit higher than the other versions.

December 3, 2014 6:01 p.m.

abenz419 says... #3

I expect all the versions to slowly rise in price, probably with a small price spike come next modern season. It's probably be easier to speculate if we knew how much M14 was printed in comparison to DotP games sold. I'm sure there was quite a bit of the games sold, but do you really think those numbers compare to the amount that would have been printed in M14? I feel like if there was considerably fewer promos that being foil could give it the edge it needs to rise more. Currently the commander version is a couple of dollars more (on SCG) because it's been out of print longer and was probably the most limited printing. I'd expect something similar for the promo version the farther we get away from when M14 rotated. Is this assumption wrong? Did DotP sell more copies than I think?

December 3, 2014 6:28 p.m.

Wolfninja says... #4

abenz419 You also have to keep in my mind that the Promo Scooze only came with the PC version of the game, Xbox and PS got different promos.

December 3, 2014 7:01 p.m.

abenz419 says... #5

I was not aware of that. All I knew was that it was the promo for the DotP game. I think that probably bodes well for it's price going up more than the M14 version. The reason I'm asking is because I figured I'd pick up a few more copies of scooze because it seems pretty cheap right now to me, and with the two versions going for basically the same price right now I was trying to figure out which one would see the greater rise in price.

December 3, 2014 7:06 p.m.

smackjack says... #6

Wolfninja iPad version also got scoozes.

December 3, 2014 7:20 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #7

Right before they started seeing heavy play last season the promos were slightly cheaper than the non-foils. They were readily available and it seemed at the time less desirable. I bought a playset cause it was cheaper. Hadn't really considered them ending up worth more.

December 3, 2014 8:50 p.m.

abenz419 says... #8

Yeah same here. I picked up a play set of scooze right as they were starting to really get some serious play and got 2x regular and 2x promos. They were basically identical in price then and I just attributed that to the fact that m14 was still in print and they were readily available. But since I think I want to get more before they start seeing any kind of price raise, I started thinking that there may be less promos going around making them the better investment right now.

December 3, 2014 9:21 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #9

So the dealio with these promos:

Most shops got between 10 and 50 packs for each system (Xbox, Steam), depending on their population density or whathaveyou. My LGS at the time had gotten about 30 packs in each. However, it seemed in my area at least that very few of these packs were distributed by intended means (People buying the game and getting the pack). This means that; again, just in my area; there were a lot of leftover packs. When this happens, WotC's policy is to trash the packs, which means that quite a few promo scoozes were likely to have been destroyed when there were leftovers.

Now, I kind of lucked out, because the shop owners were like "Heck no we aren't trashing these!" and they gave them out alongside the pity packs at magic events. This meant that I was able to pick up about 8 of the scooze packs for myself, as did everyone else who wanted them (We picked our own system pack). Now, taking into consideration the number of shops that probably also neglected to trash the packs and either did as my shop did or kept them for their own inventory, I think that it's safe to assume that there are just shy of the same number of promo scoozes as compared to pack cards.

I'm also not sure how this would impact the price, just putting out there what happens and taking a guess.

December 4, 2014 12:02 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #10

The promo scooze has, in my opinion, better art and is foil. This could well impact price because modern players are pretty vain haha. I know I prefer my ones to the normal printing.

It seems logical to suggest that a game about magic on consoles sells less than magic cards, because that's a mathematical principle; the subset of one event is always less likely than the main even taking place ie. more people play the main magic game (cards) than they play specialised magic games (consoles). Does that kind of make sense? Therefore we assume that fewer scoozes related to DotP were given out as compared to normal scoozes.

If we combine a possible lower print run with the fact that its prettier then I think we could see a higher price eventually. Also, it seems likely that even if scooze is ever reprinted; it won't be with this art, it will be with the other art.

My girlfriend picked up a playset for about $16 off ebay. Pretty good.

December 4, 2014 6:12 a.m.

abenz419 says... #11

Yeah, ChiefBell, that was pretty much my thought process but I haven't dealt much with the DotP promos before so I was really sure how well they hold their value. Or if other promos were playable outside of their time in standard.

Like you said, it's logical to think that there are fewer people who play the DotP game than paper magic so therefore it's most likely a smaller print run. However they've basically been roughly the same throughout their time in standard. I originally attributed that to the fact they hadn't rotated and were still being printed, but seeing that they're still about the same price I wasn't sure if this would always be or if the prices would adjust over more time.

December 4, 2014 10:31 a.m.

smackjack says... #12

ChiefBell: Where can one find these magic-buying girlfriends?

December 4, 2014 11:44 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #13

I found my one at university.

December 4, 2014 11:57 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #14

ScOoze is the shit, love the card. He's deff one of those cards like Thoughtseize that just fits into so many different decks effectively.

I'm like everybody else. Promo artwork trumps the normal artwork all day.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't ScOoze used to be something like a 100$ card prior to it's reprint?

December 4, 2014 12:59 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #15

Scooze has never been more than $15.........

It is currently around $5.50 or $6.00

I actually used to think scooze was shit........ then I used it.

December 4, 2014 1:01 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #16

It was love at first site when it comes to me & ScOoze.... Even when I first started playing standard they would always joke & say "he sure loves his ScOozes & DRS's" about me when other people would ask if I was any good...

December 4, 2014 1:12 p.m.

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