Scavenging ooze speculation?

Economics forum

Posted on Jan. 6, 2014, 11:27 p.m. by wnorris17

Do you all see Scavenging Ooze going up in price post rotation? Is its ability to hinder Tarmogoyf and Snapcaster Mage enought to bring it to $20 or higher?

DaggerV says... #2

I don't expect it to rise up very soon very fast no.

January 6, 2014 11:49 p.m.

I highly doubt $20 or higher, the impact of Ooze has personally fallen short of my hopes in all formats, save when it and Unburial Rites were in standard together. I think it should hold value over time but it's not going over 20 dollars anytime soon. Really, I think it's gonna drop a little bit after rot

January 7, 2014 12:15 a.m.

Unforgivn_II says... #4

Well, it was 20 dollars before it was modern/standard legal. So that was solely fueled by legacy players and its small supply. Now that they're everywhere (with promos even), the price has gone down.

But consider this. It hasn't yet been broken in modern (good, but nothing more than a hoser) or in standard (too slow for GR and that's the only top deck playing green). So with that said, its still 9 dollars. For a card that isn't seeing ridiculous play, that's great.

All it takes is a standard or modern deck with it as a 4-of to get hot, and it will jump up pretty fast. The effect would be long lasting if it was modern. Its a "safe" bet to maintain its value, but its up to the pros to determine if it will skyrocket or slowly ratchet up like the other good-but-unplayed cards.

January 7, 2014 2:32 a.m.

Supply, demand. There was a very brief demand when it first got reprinted, but despite that, the greater print run caused the price to drop. Demand has dropped to a low and more packs are being opened. Its days as a $20 card feel like they're over to me. It doesn't have $20 long-term value like Snapcaster Mage . I don't see it going back over $12 again anytime soon.

January 7, 2014 2:58 a.m.

xXxProjecTxXx says... #6

With the rise in interest of modern and coming modern season, think will see a little value gain as a lot of people who want to get into modern will go after ooze in lieu of the $150 price tag on goyf. Problem though with ooze is that it isn't a 4 of in every deck that has green in it like goyf is as more than one ooze in hand / play means one or more is starving. They need to reprint goyf for the masses in the next M15 set and really stir some stuff up!

January 7, 2014 10:11 a.m.

Avernar says... #7

Reprint goyf? Umadbro?

Ooze has a huge potential to be broken/a prevention to Goyf in Modern. It could rise, but I doubt it will.

January 7, 2014 1:12 p.m.

DaggerV says... #8

Ooze was 35 or so before standard/modern legal, but that was namely due to only being able to get it in EDH deck, much like today's True Name Nemesis.

January 7, 2014 1:19 p.m.

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