Shaman of Forgotten Ways Spike

Economics forum

Posted on Sept. 3, 2015, 11:12 a.m. by Rasta_Viking29

So I noticed that Shaman of Forgotten Ways has spiked over the last couple days to $9. At the beginning of the week they were available at $2-$3. TCGPlayer & SCG

I'm not sure if it is a buyout or just a high volume of speculators but $10 seems like a price that will hold until release. If it sees heavy play it could go up to $20 and it's floor is probably $5.

What do you guys think of it's potential? Are you a buyer or seller at $10?

CuteSnail says... #2

It adds 2 mana and with Eldrazi coming I can see why it spiked.

September 3, 2015 11:16 a.m.

K34 says... #3

It's token edh deck gold.

September 3, 2015 11:43 a.m.

actiontech says... #4

Seller for sure. 3-drop ramp creatures with 3 toughness just seem like a terrible idea, and he's a total bust long term. I know everyone right now is thinking get to 10 mana before the other guy but I highly doubt this is the guy that will be getting you there.

On the other hand, if you're thinking about using the formidable in some kind of ramp/control deck then power to you. Seems like a long shot to me though.

September 3, 2015 11:44 a.m.

Phitt says... #5

It's spoiler season. You'll see cards spike almost every day now until BfZ is released. Most of them will fall down to bulk or near-bulk level as quickly as they spiked. Right now it's 'omg...Ulamog...every single card that can be used to ramp must be worth a million dollars soon!111!'.

If we get a few nice Landfall cards spoiled you can be sure that cards like Animist's Awakening and Sword of the Animist will spike. If people make out some kind of weird combo that could work somehow (like Quicken/Day's Undoing last spoiler season) then the combo card will spike. And so on. That doesn't mean any of those cards will actually get played successfully though.

I'd say the chance that Shaman of Forgotten Ways goes up to $20 is far, far lower than the chance it will get back down to where it was or even lower than that. If I had some copies of it lying around I'd sell them asap.

September 3, 2015 12:33 p.m.

JKLawson89 says... #6

I dont see it hitting $20, it's formidable could be useful from what has been spoiled so far I think though. T3 mana ramp is kinda bad right now, but like others have said evrryone looking for ways to put the big fatties in BFZ on the board quicker, and Shaman is one of them. Explosive Vegetation could get played more for landfall triggers and ramp, so could Frontier Siege for ramp, but it seems inlikely. I think I would be selling at $10 though.

September 3, 2015 2:30 p.m.

actiontech says... #7

Just landed a playset off of TCG for $3.97/each. Next price was $7, and up from there. Lucky me I guess. I'm still shipping as many as I can out on PucaTrade though.

September 3, 2015 2:39 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #8

If Shaman becomes a staple filling the void left by Courser and Caryatid it could easily hit $15-$20 because of it's mythic rarity. Both were heavily played green staples at rare, the demand for SofW won't get as high as those two but the supply is much smaller.

I'm not saying it will go up but it definitely could. It has been showing up as 1-3 of in ramp decks running approximately 30 creatures this past month with regularity. There's also the chance of a 4 color beatdown deck could emerge that would love to use him for acceleration and fixing. It's not all just Ulamog hype. If there is not a 2cmc 3 damage burn spell printed then its stock could go way up as well. Many things are at play when looking at SofW and its post rotation playability.

September 3, 2015 4:05 p.m.

actiontech says... #9

"If there is not a 2cmc 3 damage burn spell printed"

Can anyone remember when this has happened? Legit question, not being snarky. I honestly don't know.

September 3, 2015 6:02 p.m.

We haven't had Lightning Strike printed since M15 and Searing Spear since M13 I believe. We got Draconic Roar in DTK but that comes with deck building costs.

Im pretty sure when they opt for Shock or one of it's variants they don't print a Lightning Strike in the same set due to Limited balancing. I think even a Flame Slash reprint would keep Strike out of the set. There are scenarios were we could be without a common deal 3 for 2 spell for a couple months.

September 3, 2015 6:26 p.m.

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