Signed Deathrite Shamans
Economics forum
Posted on Sept. 22, 2013, 11:19 a.m. by CallMeCrazy
So Steve Argyle came to my LGS during the prerelease and I got my playset of Deathrite Shaman s signed. If I ever decide to sell them, what do you guys think the price would be? They are all N/M and one is Japanese.
Did he sign 2 in green and 2 in black? Or did he sign 'Steve' in green and 'Argyle' in black?
September 22, 2013 3:28 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
Normally Argyle does half of each signature in the first color and half in the second color.
September 22, 2013 3:46 p.m.
When I had some stuff signed at GenCon, he was generally swapping between first and last name, but some people asked for the full signature in one colour.
September 22, 2013 5:31 p.m.
i think youll get more than $80 for the set, the card is still ~$15, and about to go out of print offically, while it still sees a lot of play, so i think over the next year his value will rise, and i know id deffinetly be willing to pay more than $20 for one for my edh deck
September 24, 2013 1:22 p.m.
My buddy was at GenCon 2012 as well, and Steve Argyle had broken his hand, so instead of signing, he had a 'Steve Argyle Broken Hand Edition" stamp made and was stamping cards.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Sell or trade?
Depending on price guide and your own entrepreneurial spirit, you probably get somewhere around $80 for the set in trades.
For sales, maybe $60-80. It depends largely on how you sell them and to whom you sell.
September 22, 2013 2:59 p.m.