Economics forum
Posted on Aug. 1, 2015, 2:14 a.m. by seuvius
So I'm taking apart a deck that has 2 Snapcaster Mages and I was just wondering if now would be the best time to get rid of them or should I wait? I dont need him at the moment but I'm not sure I it would be a smart move.
army88strong says... #3
I would keep him just because of how great of a card he is. While I am not really using my playset at the moment, those are my babies and I couldn't trade mine away. They are just too good.
August 1, 2015 2:18 a.m.
He's already dropped a decent amount in the last couple weeks, and will continue to do so. Modern season is coming to a close. I'd sell him now if you aren't using him. You'll probably be able to pick him back up in a few months for $20 cheaper.
August 1, 2015 2:20 a.m.
army88strong i know what you mean,i have a single goyf that i find is hard for me to get rid of even though i know he can finish off a few of my decks lol
August 1, 2015 3:38 a.m.
If time isn't a factor, keep them because even though it will drop to $55-60 as we approach November, it will be back up next modern season, and I think it will peak at $95-100 next season.
August 1, 2015 3:50 a.m.
JakeHarlow says... #7
I mean, it's Snappy. Why not keep him?
Unless you need the money of course.
August 1, 2015 9:13 a.m.
Its_Johnny_Bravo says... #9
If it were me- id sell them. Id be very surprised if they went higher. That's alot of money for a card that will most likely see a vault reprint.
August 1, 2015 9:36 a.m.
They are useful in almost anything blue - almost every blue deck could use them, especially after things like Treasure Cruise that competed for graveyard resources got banned but snappy did not.
I don't run them because I can't justify dropping that much on a single card and I wasn't collecting at the time when they were reasonable to pick up. If you do have them already, though, there is a very high chance that you will be able to use them.
Without them, I am sitting here using Isochron Scepter and an extremely low land count and more cmc 2 spells that don't flash back in high numbers the way that snappy can make a bunch of 1 cmc spells flash back - that actually makes it a situation where snappy might not be as useful - I didn't mean to say he "isn't good", I mean that these factors reduce his impact. However, adding more lands, dropping the scepter, and moving from cmc2 to cmc1 spells for more flashbacks has proven to be more competitive in almost any deck that runs blue.
His usefulness is likely to increase rather than decrease because his ability is totally unique and not replaceable. Also, it does seem like he is a favorite of wizards such that he is not likely to go the way of Birthing Pod or Treasure Cruise.
Keep him. You will probably use him somewhere else. If not, he will probably steadily gain value anyway.
August 1, 2015 9:45 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #11
He gains value as the pool of available cards to use with him increases with each new set (see Kolaghan's Command and the rise of grixis strategies in modern). If you don't have more than 4, I'd keep him.
August 3, 2015 1:18 p.m.
Definitely don't sell them to a store - at most you'll get 60% of what they're worth and they're not going to drop that far before they level out.
August 3, 2015 4 p.m.
Oh I would never do that! Haha idk I traded them off itd either be in person or on pucatrade.
August 3, 2015 5:30 p.m.
Its_Johnny_Bravo says... #14
sell on Ebay if you want to get what they're worth.
seuvius says... #2
Also, I'm sorry for being the 700th post about snapcaster mage.
August 1, 2015 2:15 a.m.