SP quality, or Chinese?

Economics forum

Posted on April 22, 2015, 10:15 a.m. by Rayenous

I have been wanting to get a playset of each fetch land for some time.

I started with Verdant Catacombs and Misty Rainforest when I was getting into Modern and starting out with Infect.

When Khans Fetches were announced, Marsh Flats dropped, and I picked them up $25 a piece (I was playing Tokens then). - This is what I told myself I would pay for Zen Fetches.

Then Khans was released, and I got more than a playset of each of those.

I now need the Arid Mesa and Scalding Tarn

I see Arid Mesa (SP) at $25.19, as well as Chinese for the same price.

I know that they may still drop further in October when Battle for Zendikar is released - but this is still hype, and not a guarantee of a reprint (though I believe they likely will) - I'm not too worried about a slight drop in price that they may see when/if they are reprinted, as they will eventually rise again.

I'm just wondering if people think I should but the Chinese or the SP (If I decide to get either). - Which will retain/gain value in the long run, SP or Chinese?

Epochalyptik says... #2

Chinese is better. Generally speaking, it's harder to move recently-printed, played-condition cards because there are many NM/M copies still available. Players who care about aesthetics will choose the latter, although some players will settle for played for the price reduction.

Chinese is the least valuable Asiatic printing, and tends to only rank just above English in terms of number values. However, many Modern, Legacy, and EDH players like to use non-English or foil printings to add character to their decks.

April 22, 2015 10:21 a.m.

Behgz says... #3

Usually, non-english cards are ok, even slightly more desirable. But the few times you come across someone unwilling to trade for non-english cards, you quickly realize the error in judgement. If/when you decide to move on from those particular fetches, and you get someone whose picky about language, you'll seriously regret having a Chinese Arid Mesa because now your prolly gonna have to put some cash toward your next purchase rather than just trading your stuff.

April 22, 2015 1:38 p.m.

Rayenous says... #4

Well, I don't plan on ever not having a playset of them... so even if they are reprinted, and I open tonnes of them, I will be able to trade the ones I opened and keep the Chinese as my playset.

It should be noted that I can't trade my Foil Chinese Nylea, God of the Hunt for the life of me.

"Anyone have a Nylea?"
Me: "I have a few to trade!"
"Do you have a Foil?"
Me: "Indeed, I do! ... and it's Chinese."
"Oh...! Um... Never-mind!"

I suppose it would be helpful if it were a Modern Staple. There are more people looking to 'pimp-out' modern decks than Standard... but you'd think someone would want it for EDH.

April 22, 2015 1:55 p.m.

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