Stormbreath Dragon
Economics forum
Posted on Jan. 29, 2014, 10:54 a.m. by Didgeridooda
Is Stormbreath Dragon going to hold value through the rest of it's stay in standard? Or is it going to keep slippin slippin slippin in to the future?
Yeah, this card will fluctuate based on the meta over it's period. I think though R/x will always (except tribal minotaurs) want it at the 5 drop spot and top of the curve.
January 29, 2014 11:12 a.m.
Stygian333 says... #4
I agree. Stormbreath Dragon was looking to fill a similar role to Thundermaw Hellkite , but since GR Monsters and other similar lists just are not putting up the numbers of Black and Blue Devotion, his price has slumped. I play a lot of Green- Red Monsters and Gruul Devotion, and while I can beat mono-blue consistently (thank you Mistcutter Hydra ) and by extension Blue-White Control, Mono black and Esper and all the other weenie aggro decks can be tough.
If Stormbreath Dragon
ever gets traction in Green-Red again, would be the reason I see his price rising again. And Big Boros. They're situated with some good cards and can play it to great effect, so if that takes off that would be another reason for the demand to increase.
January 29, 2014 11:39 a.m.
Whenever a block rotates out of Standard, RDW gets really good because of how consistent it is until people figure out the meta. So when RtR leaves Standard, we'll see price increase on Stormbreath Dragon just because of the demand for fast red decks. Unless, of course, the next block/M15 have a better creature at five mana in mono-red.
actiontech says... #2
It will be in standard until September 2015 so I don't think you have anywhere near enough information at this time to judge the card's long term value. There are 5 sets that have yet to be released before it rotates out.
January 29, 2014 11 a.m.