Summer Bloom
Economics forum
Posted on Feb. 9, 2015, 9:35 p.m. by mymanpotsandpans
Did Summer Bloom experience a buy out or was pulled by vendors to see if a price increase would come? None of the other staples to Bloom Titan have drastically changed on TCG player but now there are only 2 copies of Summer Bloom left.
mymanpotsandpans says... #3
Currently there are only 3 vendors with the ninth edition printing, my bad. Other version are at the same numbers.
February 9, 2015 10:43 p.m.
Kirito_swo says... #4
Bloom hasn't really increased, Azusa and amulet have jumped a ton
SimicPower says... #2
They still have many copies of older Summer Bloom. Bloom Titan seems to be doing pretty well right now, so we could see a price increase. I think Amulet of Vigor has already drastically increased in price.
February 9, 2015 10:12 p.m.